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I read those words, clutching the edges of my mobile,

My heart stopped and sobbed....

Vision blurring over the bright, I sobbed....

Those words were telling the side of story which I never knew,

Those words were telling the struggles you have been through, without complaining, 

And I sometimes wish that I could tell you, hold you, reassuring you,

You may not show but don't we all need, words of appreciation, words of comfort....

But I, but we, we were never close.....

So I don't know, do you even want me tell you, reassure you.....

Trust me, I never pitied you or ever felt sympathy,

All I feel is how a person can be so damn strong,  so damn kind, so damn hopeful.

Idols and celebrities, there life are glorious on screen, some of them came from background I can relate to but, 

I can't idolise them,

People like you are my inspiration....


This is written for that one person who probably will never read it....

CHASING ( BLUES )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt