I like music and world doesn't sing for dead

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All of these days, barely passing, slow and slowing by every second.
The world, so big and dangerous unraveling the monster in it who had been hiding in disguise for the longest.

"I wish I was dead." The smallest idea rang in my head, the idea so alluring that the mere thought of it brings me the heaven down on earth. With my almost lost hopes, desires and dreams, a fragile sadness lingers in my mind, reflected in my eyes are sorrow and fear. 

"But do you really wish that?" I said to myself, looking at my own childish reflection looking so lost, so hopelessly blinking with a melancholy as if I trying finding bliss and peace standing but i'm burning in the abyss, looking at how small I look, how i wish i could see the future while looking at stars. 

No matter alluring the idea was but I like music and the world doesn't sing for dead.

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