🌺 CHAPTER :- 18 🌺

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One week later..........

It's been one week since that day when Smit left the house. Things have changed rapidly this week. It becomes like before gloomy with dead silence.

Now no laughing and giggling sound was echoing before the week!!! Now the only sound people hear is screaming and shouting... The only thing left is sadness in the thick air. Saurya becomes more aggressive.

He has fired almost half of the staff. Now servants who were slowly starting to behave normally stopped talking afraid of Saurya's anger!!!

Saurya has drawn himself completely in work. Hardly eat anything. The only focus he had was his mission to punish those who dared to hurt his kid brother and the reason why he had to let him go away from him.

He still remembers the hurt on Smit's face when he behaved badly with him!!! That sheen of tears in his eyes which he hardly stopped from spilling. The silence on the way 😞 the sadness on his face and above the immense pain of betrayal.

The reason for that is he is not letting him leave in peace. And Saurya will never forgive one who destroys his peace. They have to pay every bit of It. The helplessness he felt that moment when he spoke nonsense is not something forgivable in his dictionary.

Never in his wildest dreams had he ever thought that he would become the reason for Smit's hurt. But he has to say all this to send them the wrong message that they are wasting their time targeting Smit as he doesn't care a bit about the boy.

He has nothing to do with the boy and he keeps him to himself for his agenda. And they stupidly fell into his trap. Fulfilling his desire to distract them.

He knew that someone from his men was keeping an eye on him and Smit every second on their every move and that was the person who was leaking the news inside. He gave a second-by-second update to his enemy.

He was running out of time, he didn't have time to stop the attack. He was unsure about the person who was betraying him. He needed the time to catch him red-handed. He can't be able to focus on so many things at the same time.

He needed to save Smit as well as the girls who were trapped in that devil's custody. So the only thing that he found correct is to send Smit away from the hawking eyes of his enemies.

Though in the process of saving him, he made him hurt and now the kid is not talking to him. He is waiting for his call or message but he hasn't done anything to contact him in a whole week.

He has been craving to hear his voice for a week and see his face but he can't do anything until he is sure that there is no harm remaining for Samit.


One week ago........

Saurya went to drop Smit at the airport. well, that's what everyone thought 🤔 💭.

Saurya was well aware that he was being followed by someone but didn't react 😔. Reaching the Airport he dragged Smit inside to the terminal area. A person who was behind them didn't get entry inside so he went from outside getting sure that Saurya went inside the terminal... Not knowing what's cooking in Saurya's head.

Here Saurya getting sure that now there is no one keeping eyes on them then he took Smit out from the back gate where another car was waiting for them.

Smit gets confused 😕 🤔 thinking is this man gone mad why would he take him out and now where he is taking him?

He tried to ask him where are we going. Flight miss ho jayega...

Shaurya - you will get to know it soon. And about flight ✈️ let it get missed. Hame konsa jaana tha kahi.

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