- Are you sure your family is not home? – I ask, concerned. I don't want to cause trouble by trespassing.

- Positive. Dakota has archery and Mathew is swimming, they'll be occupied for another hour or so. Carter should be studying at the library. My dad and his workers are either out patrolling or speaking with alpha Nathan, they come home after dark, and my mom is out in the grocery shop with my aunt. – Violet responds, practically explaining the schedule of her whole family. – I overexplained again, didn't I –

- It's okay, at least we don't have to worry. – Kaya speaks.

- Yeah, thank you, you're being very helpful. – Mason says nicely.

- Let's go then. – I say.

Violet opens the main door, letting us inside. She kindly offers something to drink but we are fine. I'm a little upset at how Mason is acting. I know she's his mate, but he shouldn't act like this just to get her to like him. He's getting in the way. At least, Kaya has a clear judgment right now. The young huntress leads us to an office filled with books.

- This is my father's office. If we are going to find something that might indicate what's going on with your boyfriend, it's going to be here. – she assures.

- What are we looking for? – Kaya asks.

- Anything that you think might help, werewolf history, medicine, diseases. I'll try to find the page where it spoke about werewolf eyes in my father's book. – she said.

- Okay, we better start then. – I say.

I walk up to the bookshelf and grab a book about werewolf diseases. I need to know that whatever is happening to Caleb is not harmful. Kaya and Mason do the same, we each take a spot and scheme through the books, trying to find answers. Judging by the size of the library, it's going to be a while.

- Hey love, how are you? – I hear Cal's voice in my head. It's so warm and lovely, I miss him immediately.

- Hi, I'm fine, but I miss you terribly. – he answers, linking with the bond.

- I miss you too, love. How did things go with Maya? – he wonders. Shit, I don't know much about that. I'll just say an empty lie, it can't hurt.

- Everything ran smoothly, just like you said. – I explain briefly.

- That's great news. So, your parents were on board with everything?

- Are you kidding me? They couldn't be happier, they even said that it's a privilege to help. I'm starting to think they like Maya more than me. – I joke. It's true, ever since they found out she's a healer, they are obsessed with her. - I can't wait to see you, I missed you like crazy today. Seriously, I hope you're prepared because we have a long session of cuddles scheduled for tonight. I'm not letting you go once I get my arms around you.

- I'm looking forward to it. – he chuckles and I can picture him laughing perfectly. – Maybe we can even turn it into a make-out session too. – he flirts. I remember the night before and it makes me blush a little. – Well, at least I can still make my boy blush.

- Shut up. – I say playfully. – So, listen, I'm staying behind for a little while.

- Oh. Everything all right? – he responds with a dismal tone.

- Yes, everything is okay, don't worry. Just doing some research, it shouldn't take me long. – I assure him.

I can't tell him the truth right now, he'd freak out if he found out I'm inside the hunter's house, digging through piles of old books. I know I should tell him, but I'm doing this for him. I know it's been bugging him not knowing what's going on. I want to help in any way I can.

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