⋆ ★gof ⟿ the curse★⋆

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Y/N'S P.O.V. 

Her walk back to Gryffindor tower was solemn. It was silent, except for the party still raging in the Great Hall, the music echoing through the castle, sounding eerie. SilverSpell had struck up a tune again, one that Y/N couldn't bother to try to discern.

She couldn't see straight, vision blurred with silver tears and white glow. Stumbling in her heels, Y/N grabbed a nearby windowsill for balance. The stone was cold under her fingers - the window was open, letting wafts of cool air inside the castle. 

The slight breeze blew at her hair, messing it up, but Y/N couldn't find it in herself to care. 

The SilverSpell song got louder - Silver Nights, one sung mainly by the backup singer, Wisteria, and the usual lead singer, Kalia, did backup vocals. 

It started with the short chorus, then lead into the long verse that Y/N especially loved, even though she didn't smoke in the slightest. The song comforted her somehow, but also made it hurt worse.

On a night this silver, how could I feel gold? 

(Never gold, always less, always a mess...for you)

When you tell me 'i love you,' it feels more like you're just doin' it for the joke, 

(I do love you, though- you believed it? Funny, go find another bloke) 

Comin' out here for a smoke, can't, the moon's out and it would blow your cover.

Wouldn't want that, now would we? 

(Hah, we - why're you saying 'we'?) 

'Cause sometimes it just feels like its you and me 


Under the silver night, with the silver stars, Mars in the distance and I can see the cause 

of our grief 

In the pistons 

Of the machine you've built 

Missin' the way you held me, right, funny, just a joke - 

Just come on, join me for a smoke, one smoke 

C'mon just one cigar under the stars

Just one time, and we could come close to what we had and what we could 

Just one, 'I love you,' wouldn't hurt, but maybe...maybe it would-

Wrenching her gaze away from the moon outside the window, Y/N took a deep, shaky breath. She couldn't let something so mundane as a boy get to her. So why did it feel like she was being repeatedly stabbed by a knife? 

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