Chapter 42

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Juniper's POV

Sudden banging on the front door of the house awoke me from my slumber. It was frantic and increasingly erratic.

The noise stopped as I approached the door. My father stood beside me with his loaded shotgun. He side eyed the door before motioning for me to open it.

I cracked the door ever so slowly. Two strange men stood there in all black. The muzzle of the shotgun grazed over my shoulder.

"Who the hell are you?" My dad grunted.

Without words, the two men turned to expose a frail and bloodied Chandler. Terror clouded his eyes and he flinched when the men looked at him. 

One burly man took a half step toward the man I used to call my friend. That was all it took for him to profusely apologize.

Meaningless sorries fell from his lips onto deaf ears.

"Get this boy off my porch," My father yelled from the doorway.

"Juniper, close your eyes, son."

I watched as Chandler panicked and a sick feeling of joy burned in my chest. The door slammed in front of me, blocking my view. 

A "fuck you" softly left my body as the joy began to dissipate. 

Niko: Did you like our gift?

My phone buzzed from the text. I couldn't believe the two of them had set that up. They were alway so sweet to me.

I nodded, knowing he couldn't see me but unable to admit in writing that I had enjoyed their  sick gift.

I'll thank them later, I thought as I went back to bed.


I took some time away from Sage and Niko. I needed to be able to process what all had happened and I needed to process it alone. 

Majority of my time was spent being secluded in my room, doom scrolling on social media and sleeping. When I was finally ready to go back to school, my parents escorted me and ensured that I made it there safely. They promised to pick me up as well so they had peace of mind that I'd make it home. 

Few words had been exchanged between us but they knew how grateful I was for supporting me. 

It felt as though the entire population of the school knew what had happened and all eyes were laser focused on me. In reality, no one batted an eyelash in my direction.

Sage walked up beside me as I roamed the halls slowly. I felt like prey surrounded hungry predators. 

"How are you feeling Juniper?" He asked. He kept his hands off though the longer we spent this close, the more I wanted them on me.

I simply shrugged in response. I felt as though I had come to terms with what occurred. Having him beside me felt safe. Like I was protected. His broad shoulders blocked any onlookers. 

"Niko will be here soon. You never responded to his text." A near sneer stretched his lips.

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it," I whispered. Sage wet his lower lip with his tongue. 

His other half approached from the opposite side. The two of them towered over me and created a wall of defense around me. 

Though now I knew that they were the hungry predators and they had their sights set on their prey. Me. And I wanted to be devoured. 

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