Chapter 41

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Juniper's POV

Once my mother released me, my father asked me to sit down at the table with them.

I sat, finally relaxing in the safety of my own home. 

"Juniper, what happened? Your father and I have been trying to contact you." My mother started, her hand rubbed my father's knee in slow circles.

"Mom, you would not believe it. Chandler basically kidnapped me -" I started but she interrupted.

"Chandler, your friend Chandler?"

I nodded.

"Yeah, well he basically kidnapped me and took me to some secluded cabin far away. He wanted to confess his love for me but I had found out that he paid Devon to abuse me so that he could swoop in and save the day!" I had told almost the whole story in one breath.

They both stared at me, my mother's mouth dropping open just a tad. 

"We should file charges," My father, who had gotten up and started pacing placed both hands on the back of a chair and sighed. 

I shook my head, "we can't do that."

"Why not, Juniper?" My mom asked

"He just needs help. Filing charges at this point won't do anything, it's not fair." I explained to them.

Mom held her hand to her heart and took in a shaky breath. 

"June Bug," She hasn't called me that since I was about seven, "I think we should pursue legal action. I know - before you say anything - I know you don't think it's fair but you have to consider what all he has done to you." 

I nod slightly before two quick rasps echo from the door. Dad took a couple steps in the direction of the door and reached it first, moving quickly as if he could erase what he had heard by leaving the room. He slowly twisted the knob and looked back as two harder knocks shook the silence. Mom placed her hand on my arm, moving her thumb in circles in an attempt to calm herself. 

The door swings open and on the porch stood two tall, burly men. 

Niko held out his hand to greet my father while Sage stared past him to me.

"I'm Nikolai, this is Sage. We are friends of Juniper's. It's probably odd that we just showed up but we hadn't heard from June and were just checking up on him." Dad shook Niko's hand firmly and turned to the side to let them pass. He stood about as tall as Niko but had significantly less muscle mass.

Sage led the pair as they moved into the room and each took a seat. 

A hand reached out and landed softly on my arm, holding it in a comforting way.

"Juniper," Sage was quiet for a moment, "we need you to tell us what happened."

The seriousness in their faces led me to believe that something bad was bound to happen if they found out about Chandler's motives. 

"It was nothing," I waved my hand as if to shrug it off.

Both boys scoffed in return.

"It was something. You don't have to tell us now but when you're comfortable. Please. Let us know. We are here for you and to help you." It was Niko this time. His hand rested on my thigh. Not in a sexual way but one of a long time friend. 

I couldn't help but shake. My entire body shook as Chandler's words repeated over and over in my head. He, my best friend of years, had paid a man to abuse me emotionally and physically for his own gain.

Bile began to rise up my esophagus. I stood in a flash, bolting to the bathroom in order to save my mother's favorite rug that laid in the living room. 

Nikolai followed. He softly rubbed my back as I emptied the contents of my stomach into the toilet bowl. The cold ceramic felt like ice against my flushed cheek. 

"Chandler paid Devon." Those were the only three words I could manage to mutter before vomiting again. 

I could see Niko tense. He stood slowly. The veins in this arms noticeably increased in size as his fists clenched.

"June, Sage and I must go. We will be back." Niko left after kissing the back of my head and exchanging niceties with my parents. 

I collected myself, making my way to my room just in time to pass out in my bed. The emotional stress overwhelmed and drained me.

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