seventy one

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"Ailia! Ailia! Ailia!"

I stumbled, my head spinning at the sound of my screaming sister "Arabella?"

She skidded to a stop, breathing out a sigh of relief. "Ailia."

I looked around, wondering if she was running from something. "You have said that already."

My sister rolled her eyes. "Thank you for getting me a place at school!"

"I did?" I frowned.

She hesitated, eyes running across my face. "You did?"

Was I being pranked?

"I'm not following." I shook my head. "School?"

"Yeah... Beta Rio... He said that they offered me a place at the wolf school and I assumed it was because of what we were talking about last week." Arabella explained. "I've been looking for you all morning."

I paused, trying to remember what she was talking about. The weekend after I totally kicked ass inside the training circle, we had breakfast together, and we spoke... but I don't remember talking about school.

Oh wait, I remember now.

She had mentioned how bored she was with the empty hours of the day and how she didn't feel entirely included in pack life. I had, of course, reassured her with how much she was welcome before offering my two cents. That was, I would look into youth clubs or activities she could get involved in. After reciprocating it to Asra, we mentioned nothing else.

The sly man must've done it himself.

Shaking my head, I placed my hand on her biceps and squeezed it. "I didn't do this. I mean, I mentioned it to Asra, but it's only been two days."

Her eyebrows furrowed. "So... He did this?"

I laughed as her confusion turned to one of shock. "He would've done. He is the only one I spoke to about it."

She swallowed nervously, eyes dropping to my silvering mark. "That means I have to thank him."

I smirked. "It does."

Arabella still wasn't certain of Asra, the large man rather imposing. She was always awkward around men, but whatever Darius did to her must've changed her outlook on things. She still didn't talk about it, but I picked up on the hints.

My hand smoothed down her arm to grab her hand. "I'll go with you."

"N-now?" Her eyes widened.

I laughed. "Yes, now. He is in his office."

"His office?"

"Arabella, I did not know you were a parrot." I mused, pulling her behind me.

I felt her palm grow sweaty as we wandered down the halls. Before entering, I turned to her, worried she may keel over. I knew Asra could hear us, but Arabella may think otherwise, so I took the moment to calm her worries.

"He isn't as bad as you are perceiving him."

"He has a reputation."

"So do I," I raised an eyebrow. "So does Mya. Why is Asra the worst?"

Her throat bobbed, and she nervously glanced at the large wooden doors. "He is... large."

"Large? Is that it?" I snorted a laugh. "Asra is a puppy."

She dragged her lower lip between her teeth, and I wasted no more time in pushing the doors open and pulling her in behind me. Asra was already facing the doors, his hands folded on the table. I saw the glimmer of a smirk in his eyes, but he kept his face neutral.

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