Bai Yaoyao didn't even think about it, shook her head, and refused directly: "I'm sorry, our team is not hiring. I can introduce you to the official place. It's better to have China as your back than to follow us."

The idiot instantly became red. Eye socket: "But I just want to follow you. I can eat less..."

Bai Yaoyao was helpless. She couldn't explain what she said anymore. It had something to do with eating.

I couldn't help but feel a little irritated, I darkened my eyes, my patience was almost gone.

No matter how kind, sincere, or powerful she is, the Dark Night Team cannot accept her. This is Bai Yaoyao's bottom line.

What's more, this fool is too naive and has no concept of the end of the world. It's useless if he doesn't know how to use it. The tasks he and others take are "high-end games", and he has no time or energy to take her to experience and grow.

Besides, for someone so powerful to be bullied like that by the Li family, it's not a good idea.

Once they become partners, everyone will never give up on anyone, and the fool will definitely become the one holding them back. Bai Yaoyao will not allow anything that may hurt the brothers to happen.

So even though the last life was so difficult and several brothers left, the thought of recruiting others never occurred to me.

Fat Brother came out to smooth things over: "Okay, there's no hurry. You can follow Chen Jing and unpack the express together. No points will be given, but food and accommodation will be taken care of. Okay? What's your name?"

Fat Brother asked like he was coaxing a child. road.

"Okay, okay, I'm great at work. My name is Hanzi." Hanzi was instantly happy. Just like a child, he cries when he's sad and laughs when he's happy, without hiding his emotions at all.

Lulu muttered: "What a bad name, it's insulting!"

"That's what they call me, I'm not insulting..." the idiot said pitifully.

Everyone saw Hanzi's appearance and stopped talking. He was also a pitiful man. Fortunately, he was lucky enough to meet Bai Yaoyao who was minding his own business.

Bai Yaoyao said: "Hanzi is a curse word. Don't say that again in the future. You can call me Da Zhuang. It is vivid, appropriate, smooth and pleasant to listen to!"

Lulu rolled her eyes. Bai Yaoyao was very good at choosing names and was too lazy to complain. .

Hanzi nodded excitedly: "Okay, okay! My name is not Hanzi, my name is Da Zhuang! Hahaha, I have a name! My name is Da Zhuang!"


because there is only one bedroom left. , so I simply put Chen Jing and Hanzi in the same room. Fortunately, the room was large and two beds could be accommodated.

Seeing how uncomfortable the little baby was being strangled by the rope, Bai Yaoyao pulled out a strap-on waist stool and a stroller.

Chen Jing thanked her for a long time, and Bai Yaoyao didn't say much and let the two of them go to work.

He took everyone to the backyard.

"Who has reached level four?" Bai Yaoyao asked.

Except for Dajuan and Xiaoliu, everyone raised their hands.

Dajuan and Xiaoliu pouted and wanted to hug each other and cry.

Bai Yaoyao was really pleasantly surprised. She didn't expect it to go so smoothly.

Hoarding stuff for the apocalypse, I want to get through this apocalypse  Where stories live. Discover now