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Pinellia novel

Chapter 13 is coming

Turn off the lights small medium large

Previous Chapter: Chapter 12 It’s Raining

Next chapter: Chapter 14 Superpower

Chapter 13 Here Comes

Bai Yaoyao listened to the breathing in her arms gradually becoming steady, and carefully supported Lulu and let her lean on the sofa behind her. With Fat Brother as the center, she separated everyone to prevent Someone transformed into a corpse and injured his companions.

Fat Brother can't move anymore. It weighs two hundred pounds and he really can't move it.

I had just moved it and was about to sit on the sofa and wait for everyone to wake up. I found that my head was also very heavy. Before I had time to think about it, I had already lost consciousness.


The villa was quiet, everyone including Bai Yaoyao was sleeping quietly.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in the living room, walking straight towards Bai Yaoyao.

After standing there and staring for a long time, he couldn't help but stretched out his hand. The moment he was about to touch Bai Yaoyao's cheek, he quickly took it back.

He took out two crystal cores and placed them in Bai Yaoyao's hands. Holding Bai Yaoyao's hands, he helped her absorb the energy of the crystal.

Before leaving, the black shadow glanced at the other people in the villa, hesitated, and threw a few crystal cores at them.


Bai Yaoyao didn't know how long she had been unconscious. As soon as she woke up, she quickly opened her eyes and hurriedly checked on everyone. She was relieved when she found that everything was normal and no one was awake.

Bai Yaoyao found that she was sweating all over and her throat was dry. She picked up the glass on the table and wanted to drink some water.

The result...



Bai Yaoyao was startled. Her first reaction was to quickly check to see if her space was still there. She took a deep breath when she found nothing unusual.

If my space power disappeared and turned into a strength power, so many supplies were gone, I would really want to vomit!

But why did I awaken my power? Being unable to control the strength of his shots is obviously an early sign of his power.

Bai Yaoyao took another cup, controlled his strength, and finally succeeded in drinking the water into his mouth.

The duration of coma is usually 24 hours. I looked at my phone and realized that I hadn't been unconscious for long at all, only two hours had passed.

Simply closing his eyes again, Bai Yaoyao felt very strange. He could clearly feel the position and shape of everyone in the room, and he could also clearly "see" the saliva at the corner of Gouzi's mouth... he

could even feel the smell in the room. Every corner, no matter how far away it is, isn't this a spiritual power?

Strength abilities are okay, they are relatively popular, but mental abilities are even rarer than space abilities. If you encounter someone with the same level of mental abilities after the third level, if you fight against them, you will definitely win.

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