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Pinellia Novels

Chapter 31 It’s time to change the map

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Previous chapter: Chapter 30 Captain Meng Qilin

Next chapter: Chapter 32 Mutated Ant King

Chapter 31 It’s time to change the map.

“Sister Yao, are we leaving with the large army?” Xiao Liu asked.

"Well, it would be safer to go together. All kinds of mutated plants have destroyed the road. It's impossible to run wildly on the highway. It's safer to follow the large group.

But there is no need to go to the safe zone. As long as you are strong enough, Everywhere is a safe zone." Bai Yaoyao's confident tone made everyone stunned, and then they burst into laughter.

This is Sister Yao, even if it is the end of the world.

Everyone was just about to go to practice separately when they saw Captain Meng Qilin coming back again.

"Captain Bai!"

"Captain Meng, what's the matter?" Bai Yaoyao roughly guessed Meng Qilin's intention when he saw that several people behind Meng Qilin were carrying someone lying on a stretcher.

"I don't know if your team has any healing powers. The healing powers we brought have no energy..."

Bai Yaoyao glanced at the unconscious old man on the stretcher. He was probably in a coma caused by malnutrition. There were still wounds on his arms. There were obvious signs of being scratched, but there was no rotten smell in the wound. It was speculated that it might have been scratched by a mutant beast, not a zombie.

Meng Qilin saw Bai Yaoyao's slightly frowned brows and hurriedly explained: "This is not a scratch from a zombie. We just checked and there are no zombie bites or scratches."

Bai Yaoyao nodded, feeling that this person was unconscious. The old man looked familiar, but I couldn't remember who it was for a moment.

Seeing Sister Yao nodding, Paige walked out and directly used her skills to start treatment. A light green light radiated from Page's hand, and the wound on the man's arm began to recover visibly to the naked eye.

It's just that the wound is too deep, and there should be other scars on her body, so Peppa Pig's powers are gradually unable to support it.

"Brother Xuan, do me a favor." Bai Yaoyao said.

Chen Xuan was already ready, waiting for Sister Yao to speak.

"His superpower is amplification." Bai Yaoyao explained to Meng Qilin in a good-tempered way.

Meng Qilin raised his eyebrows involuntarily. This was a new type of power that was not known to the government yet. He wanted to improve it and report it when he went back.

After about 5 minutes, the unconscious old man finally woke up.

When Bai Yaoyao saw this person open his eyes, he remembered who this person was, Professor Lin Zhengying!

In the ninth year of the apocalypse, he developed a semi-finished medicine to resist zombie poison infection. The reason why it is called a semi-finished product is because the medicine is not 100% effective and the success rate is very low.

But even a semi-finished product is enough to give people hope. Unfortunately, after the semi-finished product was developed, Professor Lin Zhengying passed away. The cause of death was old injuries and excessive physical exertion.

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