The truth will come out..

Start from the beginning

I opted for no makeup today and just shoved my clothes on straightaway, then grabbed my bag and wand and left my bedroom. 

The time was barely 7:00 am. 

The messenger bag i use lay against the couch, i took my book out to read as i waited for my friends to wake up. 

"incendio" i pointed my wand towards the logs in the fireplace and set them alight as i brought my legs up against my chest and started to read. 

I was completely engrossed in my book that i hadn't realized people had started leaving the dorm and going downstairs for breakfast. 

There was a tap on my shoulder and startled, i jumped from where i was sitting, dropping my book onto the floor and loosing my page. "woah, woah.. Abby its just us". I turned my head to look at the mystery group that frightened me and it was non other then the Golden trio. "blimey, are you okay Ab, we didn't mean to scare you" Harry stepped forwards and picked up my book as well as my bookmark and handed it back to me, managing to find the page i was at, i put the bookmark back into the book and closed it while picking up my bag and wand. "no, youse didn't" i laughed, "i was just SUPER into the book, i didn't hear you lot" I stood up to join where the three of them were standing, "lets go then" i said enthusiastically getting an agreeing grunt from Ron as we started walking out the portrait hole. 

Breakfast was as uneventful as usual, forcing the food down my throat and then heading to the bathrooms straight after. 

The first class was potions. Now that I'm back in cahoots with Hermione, potions will probably run a lot smoother than it did last time. 

In potions this lesson, we are attempting to brew a draught of living death. 

Using our advanced potion text books, we spent the lesson attempting it, with not much success. Hermione got the closest out of everyone in the class, but that wasn't surprising. 

I was mixing my own potion when i heard professor Snapes voice screeching from the front of the classroom. "Is there going to be another lesson where you're going to intentionally ignore and disobey my orders miss Clark or will you actually listen to me this time." My head shot up from the sentence i was reading, finger still following the line and i saw both the teacher and everyone in class eyeing me. "s-sorry?" i responded, "yes, you should be sorry, now, Miss Clark, would you care to role your sleeves up or even take your robe off as to not add them as ingredients." There was a chorus of quite laughter, mainly from the Slytherins, all i could do was stutter in response, i turned to look at Ron, Harry and Hermione for help but just gained  sympathetic looks in return. "right.." Snape continued gaining no response from me "if you are choosing to ignore me, again , then you can ignore me not in this classroom" Snape paraded over to me, grabbed my things and shoved them into my chest. "if you would please exit my classroom. now." I looked up at him, in shock, glancing over to the trio to see them with the same aghast look on their face as me. 

I briskly leave my seat, nearly tripping over as i do so, slung my bag over my shoulder as well as grabbing my wand and books then vacated the classroom. 

My eyes were misted over as i was rushing down the corridor. Only looking at the floor. 

I felt sick. 'I'm just going to have to start putting another glamour charm on for my arms..' i thought to myself, still looking down at the floor, hurrying along the hallway. 

I gripped my messenger bag, pressing my fingers down onto the side where the small pocket is and i know where i have the sharp weapon stored. 

I'm now nearly running, heading towards the girls bathroom when i suddenly smash into something blocking my way. After crashing into this apparent wall, i fall down to the ground, dropping all my things. 

I'll look after you                         *Remus lupin comfort ficWhere stories live. Discover now