Hundred Days of Falling In-love With This Guy

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Life isn't a fairy tale. Reality is more painful than the imagination in our minds.

Yes, it's hard.. but it is true. You won't be loved... if you're not famous. They won't recognize your worth if.. you're just you.

In this cruel world.. you can't be yourself. You will just be judged. Even if you're near perfection... once they see some mistakes... you're done.

It will be back to zero.

*bell rings*

*noisy walking sound of people*

*Door opening*

I go to school like every other day. With my headphones in my ears. Not minding anybody. Walking and sitting in the same place. Same corner. It was just the typical day of my life.

"Oh really? Did you hear it?"
"Yeah, it's true! You wouldn't believe me.."
"Woooh! That was rare I hope I have one too!"
"You're making me jealous bro.. that's so cool!"

Laughter and talking all around. On the other side, there were a bunch of people gossiping about things. Talking about life...
It's making me sick!

They all have friends.. troops.. groups.. but me.. all I have is myself.

I cup my cheek as a sketch in my book. I just wonder.. if I'm not me. Will I be happy? If I'm one of their friends.. will they treat me well?

Then all my thoughts flew as the door opened.

'Was it our prof?'

It's what I thought. But... no... it's not. It's a guy with gray hair. He is holding a book and he walks elegantly.

My eyebrow curved as he looked in my way. He then smiled and continued walking near me. All eyes were on him and now.. it's on me!! They are all looking at me!! Who is this boy??

He is smiling.. looking at me like I'm such a beautiful scenery... and then he finally talks.

'Hi, can I sit beside you?' That is what I think he would say but I'm wrong. He just smiles and pulls the chair beside me then sits in it and fixes his things. I remove my earphones and look at him.

"It's been a long time... how are you?" At the start, I don't know how to respond. I... don't... even... know him! Yet.. he.. acts like he does know me!

I tilt my head and give him my questioning eyes.

"Do ... I?-" I point at myself. "know you?" Then I pointed to him.

He just pushes my hand softly and then chuckles a little.

"Don't be silly.. we're not kids anymore... Yua" and then all can do is look at his face. Who... is he? Why is he here? Does he really know me? I was so confused that I didn't even notice our prof was there already.

And this day...

All my thoughts .. are not in this class...

I keep thinking and looking at him.

He would just look at me and give me a sweet smile.


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