This Human Is Mine

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I am on my way home from a loaded schedule. All I wany is a good rest and foods! But who would have thought that I would end up being dragged in a dark alley?! Ready to feel the gun or knife touching my body, it was lips that touches my neck.

"What the... P- pervert!!"

Sniff sniff

"You... smell so sweet... you, my mate... you, Luna..."


"W-wha... what is... happening?"

Chapter 1

"Jena, you done with those files?"

"Yes sir, just... a minute... and... here!"

Handing out the files fresh from the printer, there was a big smiling forming on my lips. I know that I can do it. hah, still got ten minutes before the final deadline but...

Slightly giggling at my own achievement, my boss pick up the files and offer his hand.


What does he... want? Did I forgot something?

"Give me, folder... envelop,,, or whatever you have. You don't want me to bring it like this, right?"

Smiling wide I pick up the thing he asked. How can I forgot about that? Of course.

"Here sir"

"Great. Thanks"


Why is he not leaving? Did I forgot anything else?

I was surprised when he clap his hand as he call everyone's attention.

"Everyone, you all did a good job today. You can go home earlier today"

Clapping my hands, is it for real? We won't be having any overtime today?? I shall buy

I was about to enjoy the fantasy of getting back early when my boss look at me and said.

"Except for you Jena, Meymei, and Luke. You three, follow me in the office. Now"

That is when I saw my beautiful world collapsing...


"Damn, why only three of us?? He is a real meanie!"

Meimei then stomps her feet as she can't help but hate how things went like this. Even I can't speak... I just wish things would end faster. Hah...

Looking at the almost empty office...

Am I cursed? Goodbye happiness...

"Hey, Jena are you alright?"


"Wow, that was a quick response there. But really Luke? You gonna ask that after what happened?"

Luke just scratch his head, trying to find the right words to say.

"Guys, let's just finish this quick. I also want to go home"

"Yes! Of course"

"Let's all do our best!"


"And that is all! Done!"

Clapping, Meimei look at the two of us.

"You two are not done yet?"

"Just a few" Luke responded.

How are they so quick at this? I mean, I am older than them yet...

"Done too"

"Wait, you are done already?"

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