Kiss Me Before The World Ends

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"Can I kiss you?"

How many times have I heard that question? I can't even count it. Why is he so persistent? He already know what would happen anyway.

"Cael, when will you stop with this joke? It is not funny"

"Do you think I am joking? Rina? I am dead serious with you. Okay?"

Pushing him away, I just need to bear this for a little longer. After all, we will graduate soon. And we will never meet. Things will turn out the best.. I will never see him and...

"Rina, date me. Will you?"

"Sorry but a no is a no"

"Why? You won't tell me the reason why. Do you think I can just give up just because you say so? I am serious with you, Rina"

"And I am also serious with this, Cael. Stop this nonsense"

About to leave him alone, my hand was pulled right away.

"Hey! What is your deal?!"

"Date me. Until our graduation... and I will stop pestering you in here"

"It's just a month. Will you keep your promise?"

If he will just give up, that would be great. But why do I have to agree just because he say so? And does he think I didn't notice his words?

He will stop pestering me 'here' and that means just here.

"No thanks. I am busy to even have time to talk to you"


"So if you'll please excuse me"

Pulling back my hands, I saw Jissele follow me. She is my best friend and the only person who knows my secret.

"Rina... are you sure you are all right?"

"Yup, why won't I be?"

"But... don't you like him too?"

"Like? No..."

Biting my lips, I was holding my tears.

"I don't like him. I love him..."

Hugging tight the files and books in my hands, I could feel Jiselle's hands hugging my arm.

You might as me why am I doing this to myself. Why can't I just accept him and date him just like what I want to... the reason is that...

"But we are not meant to be"

Looking on the ground, I smiled bitterly.


"It's fine... I already accepted that fact"

In a world where your partner would be decided by fate, loving someone else is impossible. Your lips will only be touched by your fated pair. The one that the world has chosen for you. There are no cases where your fated pair kissed someone else on their lips. It is impossible... that is why... that time... I was certain...

The love between us is impossible.

For me and Cael... it will never work.


"Shot, shot, shot shot! Hey! Hey! Oh!"

The music was so loud I could barely hear the words that they said. Since the problem with our school work is done and we now have a vacation, the college department decided to have a party. Since I have nothing else to do... I am here.

But I never thought it would be this loud.

"Hey, Rina! Why are you so quiet there? Come you should drink this one too!!"

Jasper shouted. He offered me a drink which I accepted with a smile on my face. Even if this is a bit dim since we are near the center, I could tell his face is flustered red. He is drunk. I didn't know he is a soft drinker.

"Thanks!" he is a friend of mine. Or should I say, a friend of everyone? That is just how friendly he is. The star of the crowd. The sunshine of all.

But if you would ask me if I like him... I will humbly deny it. After all... the person that stole my heart... is that guy sitting right there.

A beautiful face like a model... even his singing voice is as cool as mint. I can stare at him all day. But I wonder if... he is my pair. How i hope that he is...

"You are staring at him again" Jiselle 's finger touches my cheeks. I pouted. She saw me.

"Shhh, I am not looking at anyone"

"Eh, look, he is also looking at you"

"Huh?! Really?"

Immediately looking at Cael, I was surprised when I heard a giggle from my best friend. Wait... that was a trap???

"See?! Gotcha!"

This girl... she really know me too well it sometimes worries me.

"I hate you"

"Pfft, yeah I love you too!"

But before I knew it, that very Cael whom I was looking at just now is standing behind me.

"Rina Orsena"

He called my name. So complete that it gives me chills. Did... did I do something wrong to offend him? Or did he catch me staring at him and hated that? Wait... he is not mad at me... right?

"Um... yes?"

I gulped. Never once in my life did I think that I could have a conversation with him. And to think he is the one to first start that...

Am I dreaming? Or am I just drunk? Maybe... both? I am drunk so I am daydreaming? But wait...

Looking at Jiselle, she pushed me and giggled before running away.

"I..." Cael's voice is like a spell that makes my heart beat so fast.

Staring at him, both of us are flustered red. I wonder if he also drinks much. Ah... alcohol is really bad. But I didn't drink much so maybe it is fine... right?

Trying to calm myself, I find him leaning to whisper in my ears.

Am I going to die? Why do I feel like I am the luckiest person in the world?

It was so hot, not because many people are gathered around... but because... he was here... right next to me.

"Can I kiss you?"

"Is that... a confession?"

I gulp... there are two ways to know who your fated pair was. If they touch your mark and it glows... or if both of your lips touch.

My mark is hidden behind my right cheek. There is no way I could ask someone else to touch it just to know... so the only option I got to know is... if both our lips...

"I like you... I've been meaning to ask this... I want to kiss you to know... Rina... so..."

Every word that he whispers... it is making me weak.

I also want to know... if he is the one meant for me... if he... is my fated pair

"Can I kiss you?"

STATUS: HIATUS with 4 chapters [unpublished]

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