Part Twenty-Six: the Sand and Surf

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A nest of blue jays cooed outside my window. They got so loud when I left my windows open over night. There was something so bittersweet about watching their life cycle play out; from building the nest, to laying and warming the eggs, then those fluffy little hatchlings begin to grow. Now those small feathered friends hopped about the branch, beginning to fly away.

    It may be a bit cliché, but there were so many days I wished I could have been a bird and flown away. Now I find myself with a new admiration for life and the beautiful changes it offered.

    The old wooden dresser squeaked and groaned as I opened and closed each drawer. I rummaged through the mess of unfolded clothes that were shoved inside. Why didn't I ever keep my things more organized?

    As I reached in, my eyes fixated on the empty suitcase in the corner of the room. I had to pack. We were leaving soon to take Cameron to college. Anthony would be leaving soon after, too. I still didn't know where he was going. At this point, I was almost completely in denial that he was leaving at all. We've spent almost every single day together this summer. Every time I saw him, I fell more in love.

    He completed me.

Finally, in the way way back, my fingers ran over the strings of my one and only bathing suit. I quickly yanked out the neon yellow and black two piece, shoving it into my tote bag. Tossing the linen bag next to the door, I stepped into the bathroom to check my appearance one more time before we left. I fidgeted with the two braids that hung down either side of my neck; they were uneven and had a plethora of loose hairs sticking out. I half debated taking them out, but Anthony told me he liked my hair pulled out of my face. He said he wanted to see more of me.
    Since we had been spending time together, I've been outside more often. Enough so, that a light streak of freckles ran over my cheeks and nose. I hadn't seen the brown spots on my skin since I was a little kid. Anthony loved it. He would gently run his finger along my nose and smile when he spied a new one. I caught myself wearing less make up because of it.

    Even the rest of my skin was becoming a warmer shade of brown from prolonged time in the sun. Though I wasn't nearly as dark as my mom's South Asian complexion, a little color looked good on me.

    I smiled at my reflection. I felt like I was becoming myself for the first time.

    Cameron was already waiting outside, polishing the hood of his car for the hundredth time, when I came running out.

    "Finally! Let's go." He groaned.

    "Relax, it's not like we're running late."

    We sunk down into the low seat of his sports car, "Anthony's ready right?"

    I nodded, checking my phone; No new messages.

    I actually had no idea what Anthony was doing. Nonetheless, we were on our way to pick him up and join a convoy of mutual friends driving to the beach for the day. It's the summer solstice; a day I used to spend hiking alone. Today, Anthony and I would watch the sun set over the ocean on the longest day of the year. That's the plan at least, what will really happen is for the universe to decide. Lately, the universe has been making some pretty good calls.
    We zipped across town rather quickly and arrived to the Slater's house.

    Tristan was outside washing the family dog in the drive way. The white lab came running towards me as soon as I stepped out of the car. She shook the water from her fur; suds and droplets gleaming with light as they sprayed through the air. Tristan ran after her, yelling and trying to catch the collarless dog. The pup immediately thought it was a game and took off running the opposite direction down the street.I hopped over the hairy puddle and ran to the front door.

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