Chapter Six: Who really Killed Kieran?

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Kieran's death was planned. It wasn't just a stupid mistake, it was meticulously planned and perfectly executed. But, not by the people that had killed him, they had no idea.

They were just trying to play a prank.

But in the shadows, someone hid. In the shadows someone dictated it all.

Without anyone knowing, the strings were being pulled by an unknown person, from an unknown place, with an unknown motive.

And for us to understand who really killed Kieran, how they killed Kieran and why they killed Kieran. We need to go back to the day he was murdered. And we need to read a couple of diary entries from our mystery person...

(Dear Diary,

Today has just become so scary, so exciting, so important.
I've just overheard a conversation between that stupid friend group that bully Kieran. They are going to prank him, they are gonna pretend to kill him. There is a fake gun in the drama studio,

They're gonna take him to that cabin in the woods and make him think he's gonna die. This is my chance.
Mr James has a gun under his desk, I can swap the guns before they get there. They won't notice. I'm sure they look too similar for them to notice.

I can finally get rid of Kieran. I can finally escape. This is my only opportunity. I can't mess this up.)

*can't do italics on this so the brackets represent them*

I know you probably have a few questions about what you have just read. And I will try to answer some of them,

Firstly, I'm obviously not telling you whose diary entry that was, because that would be too easy for you.

But the question I will answer is, how did they  pull it off?

It was actually much easier than they'd anticipated. Mr James' classroom was unlocked and unattended. They literally walked in, took his gun and walked out. Without being seen.

Is it worrying how easily a student just acquired a loaded gun? Eh, who cares? Back to the story:

The next stage of their plan was just as simple, the swap of the guns. They snuck into the drama studio in between lessons and swapped the guns. They once again were unseen and casually walked back into their next  lesson like nothing happened.

They had done the easy part, now they  had to do the hard part.

(Dear Diary,
I have done the first part, I have set it up. Now it's time for

more important part, and the harder part.
I need to follow them into the woods, I need to film them killing him, I need to film whatever else they do next.
Just so that I have a safety net to fall back on if I'm ever questioned or suspected.

I should film it on an old camera, put it on to a VHS tape, if I ever need to scare or blackmail them it is more creepy. More eerie.

I think my dad has one of those old cameras somewhere.
They said they would take Kieran during his late night stroll, I need to be there, I need to sneak behind them.

But I CANNOT be seen.)

And they did just that, they  executed their plan to perfection. They  killed Kieran without going near him. They  had a video of four other people killing him, and covering it up.

They had made four other people think they were at fault. The four of them thought they had killed him, they thought it was all their fault.

They had video evidence of four other people killing him and covering it up. It was as perfect as a murder can get.

They had four people acting merely as puppets on a string, carrying out the atrocities of a mystery person. Doing the dirty work for an unknown master. Without even knowing that someone was controlling them.

They had finally got their  revenge, they had finally escaped him, they were  finally-safe.

(Dear Diary,
I did it.
I really did it.
I killed him, I escaped him,
It's over, it's finally over.

I did it all, I have 5 VHS tapes as assurances. They show everything, them killing him, burying him, all of it.
But  I think one of them might have seen me, I'm sure I made eye contact with one of them. But they didn't say anything or come toward me. So they might not have actually seen me.

That's to worry about later though.
I still can't believe I did it.
He's gone.
I'm safe...

They had finally escaped him, they were finally safe.)

Now they just have to get away with it...

I'm sure you're all wondering who 'they' are, and what happened between them and Kieran. Why did they want him dead? Why did they need to escape him?

Well, unfortunately, that is for me to know and for you to find out. All shall be revealed in due course. But they did have reason to kill Kieran. A motive, some would say.

Fortunately for them, no one knew of this motive, no one knew of the torture that Kieran put them through.
But everyone knows, secrets are never truly secrets.
And nothing can be hidden forever...

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