-13- The Nightmare

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Beads of sweat streamed down my forehead as I was suddenly jolted from my sleep. "What was that?" I whispered. I tried to see even though it was pitch black. Even the dim moonlight which fell through the bedroom window didn't help much. to feel the bed. After some time of waiting I started feeling around bed, looking for the edge. After finding it I reached forward to the windowsill and picket up my phone. 2:47 o'clock?" I was astonished. Then I unlocked the phone in order to turn on the flashlight.

I carefully got up from the bed and made my way to the door. The light from my phone wasn't very bright, but it still helped me to see in the dark. I pushed the door handle down and slowly opened the door. The hallway was just as dark as Jeff's room. I looked tensely down the hallway to the stairs. That's where this noise came from.

I slowly crept down the hallway, trying to be as quiet as possible. When I reached the stairs, I cautiously looked down. There was nothing there but darkness. I hesitated. I stood frozen at the top of the stairs and looked down. The silence became so oppressive that it threatened to overwhelm me.

"Jeff?" Jack? Are you there?" My trembling voice sounded after another moment of silence. A loud crack sounded and in the dim light of my lamp I could see something. There was something or rather someone standing at the bottom of the stairs. My eyes widened when I saw the monster. At the bottom of the stairs stood a figure with unnaturally long arms and legs. The creature's pale white skin almost glowed in the dim light, but the figure seemed to have no face. I could feel it staring at me even though it doesn't seem to have any eyes. I jumped in horror as it started to move up the stairs. tried to run but my body didn't move. Tears formed in my eyes as the creature got closer and-


I opened my eyes and stared at him. Jeff was leaning right over my face, looking at me with slight concern. "T-too close," I mumbled as I tried to push him away. "I'm sorry, but you didn't wake up," he explained as he backed away from the bed. I sat up and looked around confused. It was daytime, the light of the morning sun came through the window and birds could be heard outside. "Did you have a bad dream?" I turned to Jeff, who was still looking at me a little worried. "Yes, it was just a nightmare, Nothing to worry about really! everything's okay now" a slight smile appeared on my lips. Jeff looked relieved "that's good" he walked towards the open door. Before he left he turned around again "come down when you're ready, Jack is making breakfast" then he disappeared into the hallway.

I slipped on my shoes and then walked into the hallway. A lovely smell hit my nose when I reached the bottom of the stairs. Jeff stood in the doorway and gestured for me to follow him. I poked my head around the corner and saw Jack. He was standing at the stove, fiddling with a frying pan. It smelled like he was making fried eggs and bacon. Smiley seemed to like the smell as he jumped around Jack's legs. I had to smile at the sight.

I sat down at the table next to Jeff. He supported his head with his hand and watched Smiley eat. "I have to go back after we're done eating" he turned his gaze to me "what?" he asked with a serious look. ,,Back home. My parents probably miss me already." He looked at me unenthusiastically and then averted his gaze from me. There was an awkward silence between us during the meal. Jeff didn't say a single word and Jack was busy with Smiley. I looked over at Jeff, confused .Did I say something wrong? No, he knew I was only staying here for the night. Right?

After I was finished, I put my dishes in the sink and then went back into the living room. "Where do you think you're going?" a rough voice came from behind me. Someone grabbed my arm shortly afterwards. "I told you that I was going back home after breakfast" I tried to remove his hand from my arm, but his grip was too strong. "You're definitely not going alone." I rolled my eyes in confusion and looked at him, "I told you that the forest is dangerous, didn't I? You don't know what's out there!" He then let go of my arm and opened the front door. I looked at the friendly forest that now stretched before my eyes. The birds are still chirping and a light breeze makes leaves dance in the air. Is that supposed to be dangerous? I looked at Jeff, who was walking slightly in front of me. Maybe he's just afraid of me getting lost.

I was deep in my thoughts  when I suddenly bumped into Jeff. Confused, I turned to him, "Why did you stop? Did something happen?" He seemed to think for a moment, then he pointed to something in the distance. I narrowed my eyes and looked at the bare tree that Jeff was pointing at. There was a strange symbol carved into its bark. Looking closer at it, I could see that the symbol was a crossed out circle, "and... what does that mean?" I asked confused. Jeff stayed quiet and took my hand. He started walking again, dragging me behind him. "That's why the forest is dangerous," he explained in a serious tone. "If I can give you a tip, stay away from this symbol." I looked at him in silence. To be honest, I didn't dare ask for more details. From the way he said it he seemed to be serious, so maybe it's for the best.

The rest of the way was relatively quiet. Every now and then we would have small talk for a short while. However, these conversations didn't go anywhere. When we arrived at the edge of the forest, Jeff stopped. "From here on you have to go alone." I looked over at him and nodded. Before I let go of his hand, however, I pulled him in for a hug. Jeff stumbled backwards in surprise. "I-I forgot to thank you. Thank you for saving me." Then I took a few steps back, "I'll go then. Maybe we'll see each other again," I said with a slight smile on my face. "We'll definitely see each other again," he replied.

He comes at Night (Jeff the Killer x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant