-3- The smiling intruder

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The outside world was already plunged into darkness as I layed on my bed facing the ceiling. Normally I should relax now, but how is that possible when there's a mad murderer running around out there. Before I got ready for bed, I checked to see if there were any updates on the incident. Disappointingly, however, there was nothing new. Great, so that really means the murderer was still walking the streets of this city freely. I thought about how this could never have happened in my old home. But if I'm honest, I was just looking for an excuse to hate this place even more. After a while of doing nothing except lying almost motionless in my bed, I decided to go to sleep. I slowly sat up and went to the light switch. After the quiet click of the light switch, my room was now dark. I tossed around miserably a few more times trying to fall asleep, but at some point I managed to enter the realm of dreams.

I grumbled quietly to myself as I opened my eyes sleepily. What time is it? I asked myself as I glanced at my nightstand. Sadly, I discovered that I couldn't tell the time in this darkness anyway. Still exhausted, I turned back to try and fall asleep again. After spending a few moments lying in bed with my eyes closed, I noticed a strange noise, no, more like a whistle or something. I opened my eyes and slowly sat up before looking over at the window. I was relieved to realize that the sound was just the wind whistling into the room through my open window... WAIT.

I froze when I realized my window was wide open. Suddenly I was alert and stared at the window with my eyes wide open. Meanwhile, my brain was busy trying to find explanations for this realization. However, that is where it failed. So I sat there, frozen like a block of ice on my bed as I watched the window in disbelief. The atmosphere in my room became more oppressive with every second I spent doing nothing. At the same time it felt as if I had swallowed a stone and it was now stuck in my throat. The longer I sat there, the more my eyes got used to the darkness. Unfortunately, I discovered to my horror that the open window was the least of my problems. Someone was standing next to the desk, behind the curtains that were dancing excitedly in the wind, 

Suddenly the color drained from my face as I tried to examine the figure standing motionless next to my window. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. A chalk-white face looked in my direction. Black, somewhat shaggy, shoulder-length hair hung down from the figure's head and that facial expression... I would probably never be able to forget it again. A huge smile stretched across the intruder's face as he continued to stand there silently. My thoughts were racing wildly while my heart was pounding faster and faster, as if it was going to jump out of my chest. I observe the person as I considered my options. Calling my parents wouldn't work because mom and dad are on night shift this week. So I would have to run away. I briefly thought about the chance of success, which seemed almost non-existent to me, but it was the only way. I slowly got up and then scurried to the door.

With a strong tug I tore open the room door and began to run towards the stairs. The panic inside me grew stronger as I heard the heavy footsteps running behind me. Unfortunately for me, I ran into a small cupboard and fell to the floor. I tried to get up, but it was too late. He grabbed my leg and pulled me back. I let out a scream that sounded more like a desperate whimper. The guy laughed that he caught me. I was breathing heavily as he pulled me closer to him against my will. Now I could see his face clearly. Cold blue eyes stared straight into my soul and although he seemed happy about my suffering, he wasn't actually smiling. The smile I saw earlier were two deep cuts extending from the corners of his mouth across his cheeks.

I didn't even notice that I had started to cry "cute, are you really so scared" the guy said giggling in a derogatory tone. I didn't answer him I just continued to stare pleadingly into his cold eyes which only made him even more amused. His lips twisted into a smile and he raised his hand. I felt something sharp touch my neck. The smile of the madman who was right in front of me grew as the blade got closer and closer to my neck When I noticed the vase on the cupboard next to me, I grabbed it and after a loud crash I was free. I stormed down the stairs and almost tripped over my own feet. I ripped open the frontdoor, leaving the house and started running down the street screaming for help. I don't know how far I got or what exactly happened after that, but I still remembered feeling a stabbing pain in my head before everything went black.

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