-12- The murderer's house

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"Excuse me!" I said as loudly as I could without screaming. The boys became quiet and looked at me. "Can someone explain to me what you're talking about?" I demanded to know. Jeff backed away from me and frowned in irritation. After the short silence that had just arisen, the other boy spoke up, "The girl who attacked you is called Nina. You should be careful, the little one is pretty good with a knife." He left the spot next to the old oak tree where he had been leaning the whole time and came towards us. Now I could really see him clearly. He hid his face behind a blue mask. Where his eyes should be there were two black holes from which a strange black liquid came out. The sight of him made me feel uneasy and when he stopped in front of me I took a small step back.

"But you don't have to worry, it looks like your days are numbered anyways." He laughed while looking at jeff. I stared at him confused. Is that supposed to be a threat? I paused for another moment and thought about what had happened so far. Once again I felt uncomfortable as I realized that the guy was probably right. "Jack," Jeff grumbled, to which the boy put his hand on the back of his neck and quietly mumbled, "Sorry, I'm just telling the truth."

"Are you trying to say that you're going to kill me?" I asked with a trembling voice. Now the eyes were on me again. "I definitely won't," said the boy, who seemed to be called Jack, "then mister smiley-cat over here" he put his hand on Jeffs back "would kill me and believe me, I prefer to not have that happen." Jeff just rolled his eyes and then crossed his arms over his chest. I looked at him hoping for an answer, but was only met with silence.

Jack suddenly clapped his hands together. "Well, let's go then?" he asked in a somewhat friendlier tone. I looked at him. But before I could say anything, Jeff spoke up. "Sure, I'm surprised you didn't ask sooner." Jack turned around and started walking deeper into the forest. I watched him as he slowly disappeared behind the trees into the darkness. "You're coming?" Jeff said as he took my hand. "What?" I stuttered, slightly confused. "Oh come on now, don't be like that. The forest is dangerous at night," he explained gently. I nodded to him and we started to follow Jack.

On the way to wherever we are going, I remembered that my parents are waiting for me at home. They'll probably be worried and scold me for it tomorrow. But it's not like I can walk back home now anyways. Jeff is right. The forest is dangerous at night and who knows, maybe this crazy chick from earlier is still somewhere in the area. Then I would definitely never come home to my parents again. My train of thought was interrupted when Jeff stopped abruptly. I looked up and saw an old wooden house in front of us. Jack stood on the porch and fiddled with the lock on the door. I could hear a soft click shortly afterwards and the door opened. The door swung open, behind it stretched a room that was even darker than the forest. Jack soon disappeared into the darkness and then I was blinded by a bright yellowish light. I rubbed my eyes with one hand as Jeff pulled me into the house.

The door hadn't even closed completely when a dog suddenly came running towards us. Not that stupid husky again. He's still haunting me in my dreams! Jeff knelt down and greeted the excitedly barking husky with pets. "You can also pet Smiley, he won't bite you," Jeff said as he looked up at me. I slowly stretched my hand out to the dog, but hesitated when I saw his creepy grin. Jeff took my hand and placed it on the husky's head. He was really soft although he didn't look like it. I carefully began to pet him and he seemed to enjoy it.

"Smiley! Food's ready!" I heard Jack call. The husky immediately jumped up and disappeared into another room. Shortly afterwards Jack came around the corner and threw himself on the old sofa, which was standing alone against the white-painted wall. I backed away as he took off his mask, his skin was unnaturally gray and this strange black liquid was comming straight out of his eyes. He seemed to have noticed my reaction as he now grinned at me in amusement, "get used to it, it looks like we'll get to see eachother more often now," he joked. The thought of that made me feel a little uneasy.

Jeff suddenly grabbed my hand. Slightly surprised, I broke eye contact with Jack and looked at him. "Come on," he said calmly as he slowly started walking. We entered the hallway and shortly afterwards we walked up an old staircase. Once at the top, Jeff immediately stopped in front of a door. With his free hand he rummaged around in his trouser pocket until he found found what he was looking for. Pulling out a small silver key shortly after. "You'll sleep here today," he said as he opened the wooden door. The door swung open with a slight crack and I looked at the room behind it. It was a small bedroom. A messy bed sat in the corner of the room. Opposite the bed, in the other corner, was an old wardrobe. And on the windowsill, which was between the bed and the closet, there were two small potted plants. The room was empty besides those things.

Jeff ran his hand through his hair, "This is my room," he remarked, "Unfortunately we don't have a guest room, so you have to sleep here." I looked at him for a moment and then nodded. "You can look in the closet if you want to change," he pointed in the direction of the closet with a slight movement of his head and then went back towards the stairs. "And what about you?" I asked. He turned around and looked at me confused. "I mean... where do you sleep then?" It was quiet for a moment but then he grinned at me. "Don't worry," he chuckled quietly. "The bed is big enough for two people."

I looked at him rooted to the spot I was staning at as he disappeared downstairs. I hate to admit it but his statement made me blush. I quickly entered the room and closed the door. What's wrong with me why am I blushing now? I buried my face in my hands in shame. Hopefully he didn't see that!

After I had calmed down a bit, my eyes looked over to the closet. Curious, I opened it and looked inside. There were some hoodies and t-shirts hanging in the closet. There were a few pairs of pants folded in piles underneath them. Nothing special in itself. To be honest I don't know what I expected. A closet full of blood-red hoodies? Or the torn clothes of his victims? In the end it doesn't matter what I expected. He at least seems to wash his clothes.

I closed the closet again and then walked over to the bed. I carefully took off my shoes and placed them in front of the window and sat down on the edge of the bed afterwards. Exhausted, I fell onto my back and stared at the ceiling above me for a moment. Maybe this Jeff isn't that bad after all, is he? I mean he is a killer, but he can be quite nice... and well he kind of saved my life just now. I spent a while in my thoughts before pulling the blanket up to my chin. After that it didn't take long until I finally fell asleep.

He comes at Night [Jeff the Killer x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now