-11- An infectious smile

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I backed away slowly until my back was against the scratched door. The old laminate cracked with every step. "Oh, come on, darling," she said in a tone that froze the blood in my veins. I saw her take something out of her pocket. The dim moonlight that came through a small window next to the door was reflected in it. It was a knife. Frozen in fear, I watched the girl. "Let's play a game..." she said while looking at the knife in her hand. "How about hide and seek?" She walked forward slowly and approached the tabley laying one hand on the tabletop. I tried to back away further, but the door behind me stopped me. "We're playing according to my rules, okay?" She said as she placed the knife on the table. Because of the darkness, I couldn't see her expression the entire time. But I'm pretty sure that she was smiling. I swallowed the ball stuck in my throat and carefully tried to grab the door handle. "You get a five second head start and when I find you..." She picked up the knife again and slid her fingertip along the blade, cutting herself slightly. Now blood stained the knife she was holding "then I'll end. you."

Her crazy laughter made it clear that she was serious. My hand reached for the door handle and I carefully pulled it down, trying to not make a sound. She didn't seem to have heard the quiet click of the door when it opened. I still held the doorknob tightly in my hand and watched the crazy person in front of me. Her laughter stopped and she looked at me again.
"Five~" she hissed with a huge grin on her face.
I pushed the door open behind me and stormed into the room. Only the dim moonlight illuminated the room in which I was now standing.
"four~" I quickly looked around for some way out. Anything that could help me now. But in this old room there was nothing to be found except ashes and the remains of furniture.
"three~" My eyes fell on the window. I briefly looked outside through the dirty glass. The room I'm in is only on the first floor, but the fall could still be dangerous.
"two~" Desperately I tried to open the window. Unfortunately for me, I discovered that the window was stuck. "Shit" I looked back at the door, behind which I could only see darkness.


A miserable creak indicated that I was no longer alone in the room. The blade literally glowed in the bluish light of the moon. Her footsteps were quiet. You almost couldn't hear them because of the constant creaking of the floor. A moment later she stepped into the moonlight. Now I could actually see her for the first time. She looked incredibly familiar to me. Her long black hair was tied up in a ponytail. A strand of pale pink hair hung down the side of her face. Her skin was pale and scarred. But what shocked me the most was her smile. It looked exactly like that boy's smile. Two deep cuts extending from her mouth down her cheeks smiled at me. With my back pressed against the wall, I stared at her as she got closer and closer. The already inhuman smile grew bigger with every step.
Her mad laughter rang out again, then she swung the knife.

Shards. Suddenly it rained glass shards. Many shards of different shapes clattered to the ground. An icy cold wind now blew through the room and caused the shabby curtains to dance. My attacker backed away, growling, and covering her face with both hands. I stared at the girl with my eyes wide with shock. Her left hand came away from her face, revealing one of her eyes, which burned with anger. Surprisingly, this hatred wasn't directed at me. She literally looked past me. An amused laughter sounded behind me and suddenly I knew exactly who she was looking at.

"Jeff darling... why are you interrupting our game?" she demanded to know. I sat up and looked at the boy who was now crouching on the window sill, grinning at me. So his name is Jeff. Suddenly he grabbed my arm pulling me close to him and then he helped me get on the window sill. "Answer me!" the girl hissed angrily as she stomped in our direction. I jumped slightly as he pulled me even closer to him, "Hold on tight." My heart stopped suddenly as the cool wind blew through my hair. It felt as if time had stood still, or at least It passed more slowly than usual. Frightened, I closed my eyes and clung to Jeff, who was also holding me in his arms. I felt a sharp pain after what felt like an eternity. A tear flowed down my cheek As I buried my head deeper into my counterpart's upper body, a warm hand ran through my hair and gave me a strange feeling of security. For some reason I felt safe with him. Well safer than in that room with her. 

The somewhat peaceful atmosphere was interrupted by an angry scream from the first floor. I sat up and looked at the window, which was now a few meters above me. The girl leaned slightly over the window sill yelling profanities as she looked down at us. I just watched her as she stringed together all sorts of insults and threats. However, a sudden tap on my shoulder still caught my attention. Jeff looked at me with a slight smile on his lips, "Let's get out of here" I looked at him for a moment. He stood up and then gave me his hand. After a short hesitation, I accepted his gesture and stood up aswell.

His grip tightened as he suddenly started running towards the edge of the forest. "Come back!" I heard the girl scream as we quickly moved away from her. In the forest it became much harder to keep up with his pace. The bumpy path, which was filled with branches, small bushes and stones, didn't make it any easier. Before I knew it, my foot caught on a larger stone and knocked me to the ground. An amused laugh rang out after I fell. "Shit," I muttered quietly as I carefully got back up. "Shut up you-" the words got stuck in my throat. The laughter didn't come from Jeff. Suddenly there was another boy there. He was leaning calmly against a tree and making fun of me.

My hands balled into fists as I tried to stay calm. Jeff rolled his eyes in boredom. "We got it, you can be quiet again now," he said. The boy who had been laughing until now slowly became quiet. "I just think it's funny that THAT thing..." he said while pointing at me "Piqued your interest," he explained dismissively. Jeff shrugged without saying anything and then looked at me. After a while of silence, Jeff raised his voice, "She was attacked by Nina and- "You'll help her?" he was interrupted. "You know that she has a thing for you, right? Now Nina will want to kill that 'thing' even more." The boy crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the tree again. Jeff let out a breath and then ran his hand through his hair. "Then I'll have to stop her." "pfff...why?" the boy asked while trying not to laugh again. Jeff put his hand on my head and pulled me closer to him.

"Because she's mine"

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