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Stan and Kyle were two different people. Stan was a loner, a kid with horrible grades, and was always high. Kyle was always around people, a kid with perfect grades, and was always sobered up. Stan was single. Kyle was taken. Stan had a broken family. Kyle had a 'perfect family'. Now, there still are a lot of differences about the two, but they have one thing in common.

They want to run away from the shit-town known as South Park.

The two don't know that they both crave that one thing. They don't know a lot about each other, actually. They used to be glued together in elementary, but after the super best friends entered middle school, they had grown apart from each other. Kyle found new friends and Stan found people who just fucked up his life even more. They promised that even though they had found other people, they would always be super best friends. But obviously, that promise didn't stay. All they knew about each other now was old information from the past.

Kyle was sitting in the cafeteria with Kenny, his boyfriend Butters, and Kyle's boyfriend, Cartman. Yeah, as you can tell, a lot did indeed change. Back then, Kyle and Cartman would want to strangle each other. But that changed a year ago, when Cartman changed his ways and became a better person that Kyle could fall for. They started dating about--what was it? Almost ten months now? Yeah about that long. But Cartman started going back to his old ways. Kyle was worried that he was gonna be the new Heidi and Kyle was trying to leave the relationship, but he couldn't. He wants to, be he's unable to.

Stan was sitting against the wall behind the school, smoking cigarettes. Stan tries to quit, but they're too tired to. They're too tired to do anything at this point. They're too tired to stop drinking, stop taking drugs, or stop cutting. They're too tired to do anything that'll make their health better. Their so-called 'friends' in middle school got them addicted to all of the drugs and alcohol. But all of the cutting, They are doing it to themselves. One day they just hope the cutting will help them sleep. They need sleep. They stayed up all night last night. Yeah, maybe they'll just do that. 

Stan stood up and threw the cigarette on the ground, walking away from it. It was raining, but they didn't care, no. All they cared about was sleeping. And running away. Maybe they'll just run away and then kill themselves. Who knows? Wait, only Stan does.


A few hours had passed by already. Wow, time was weird. Wasn't it just about lunch time? Crazy. Anyway, Kyle was just walking away from the school. He didn't want to go home yet, no. All the ginger wanted was to be alone. And there was one place where he knew no one wanted to go to. Near trains.

There was a little place near the train tracks, where the freight trains pass by. Luckily, no trains or people were at the spot. He could be alone, away from people, even if it's just for a little bit.

Kyle was scrolling through Twitter, oh sorry, X, looking at all of the stupid fights and arguments people get into. How fucking stupid, Kyle thought. 

Then the short ginger heard footsteps. Seriously? Can't I be alone for just two fucking minutes?  He asked himself.

"Hey, who's out there?" Kyle asked.

Then, suddenly, a teen who was around his age, with bleached hair and a blue and red winter beanie hat thing. His clothes were just a black sweatshirt and a pair of jeans. The teen just looked like he woke up from a nap, with their hair being messy and all. Stan...

"It's just me," Stan said. "Thought no one else came over here."

Kyle nodded. "Same."

They both stayed in silence. The two haven't spoken in a while, obviously. 

"So," Stan said. "How's, uh, life been treating you?"

"Oh, fine." Kyle looked at the ground and kicked a rock. "It's just been boring." Kyle looked back up at Stan. "You?"

"Tiring." The taller teen replied.

"So, if you really think about it, we're feeling the same." The ginger said.

"I guess that makes sense."

The two teens continued to talk. Seems like the friendship might come back soon enough. And lets hope it'll stay that way.


Word Count: 725 <3

A/N: ok yes non-binary stan is canon in this. I decided it last minute tho so if you see me using he/him pronouns let me know ^^ (if that makes sense)

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