The Greatest

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When I was young, I wondered why love is the greatest over faith and hope. I really thought then that faith is the greatest because as I grew up, I observed that people's answer to every worry and problem is a simple "Have faith." It seems like faith solves everything.

Years later and I wondered about the significance of people's ideology of God who they didn't actually see. I thought that God's existence is important to instill fear among people. I thought that the idea of God simply imposes law and order. Life eventually led me to learning more about God and knowing Him better. Then I came to think that the idea of God gives us hope and it is the greatest over faith and love because it always remain even when faith seem to not solve everything.

And, you know, I concluded that Paul was right when he said that now these three abide: faith, hope, and love; but the greatest of them is love.

Most people explain love's greatness over faith and hope as it will be the only one to remain until eternity. Well, that's true because faith and hope existed out of the unseen and we'll eventually see the fulfilment of our faith and hope in eternity.

But if there's something I learned more about love's greatness, it is how love compels us to do things, and how it is not just about ourselves.

Because with faith and hope but without love,

I wouldn't deny myself of my own desires
for the sake of everybody else.

- My Christian Story on Notes

Related Bible verse:

"And now abideth faith, hope, love (charity), these three; but the greatest of these is love."- 1 Corinthians 13:13

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