The Decision

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When I started to look at life with a different lens and decided to reposition myself, every people I talk to would try to change my mind. One even told me that he prays that I would one day wake up with a shift in mindset. That's funny though because I just actually had a new one.

The thing is, what people don't know is that I pray each night that I won't ever come to change my mind again. After personally encountering God, after realizing that I have been shortsightedly looking at life, and after I have understood the deeper revelations of each step He call each of us up to walk out, I pray each night.

I pray each night for God to help my unbelief, to help me follow in obedience and learn to fully trust Him; for my faith to conquer my doubts; for the few things that I now fathom to overcome the many things I can't understand. I pray hard each night that I'll keep on looking unto my life yet to come and that I'll keep on hoping for that time for God's promises to be done. I pray hard each night that I'll keep my sight off from the brokenness of my present life and away from comparing it with other people's lives.

I pray hard each night because it takes a constant renewing of my mind to truly work out the calling He has for me.

It's not easy.

It is a struggle
—an inner battle.

That while people pray that I change my mind, I pray that nothing will move me this time.

And everyday, I just pray that I'll finish this life well.

- My Christian Notes

Related Bible verse:

"Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses."

- 1 Timothy 6:12

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