Chapter Twenty-one

Start from the beginning

All of this pain was wearing me out. I started to wonder what Ava plans in all of this, for making me sing out my emotions? Why did he think that I could do so much better than him? Presently, here I was singing my heart out to my friends and bunch of strangers thinking all of our adventures or late midnight deep meaningful talks meant nothing to him even one slight hiccup due to his family past scars hence why I wanted to be there for him. Sometimes pain does demand to be felt even if you just want to go incognito for a whole week on a holiday island to escape from this pain because not even reading can cure it too.

"We love you too, but to answer your question tell me how it feels to be in a moment like this?" Avenna waited for me to answer her question. "At the moment when all this pain demands to be felt and you let it go by the only thing you love to do." she sadly smiled at me with the look of discontent planning on doing something dangerous in her mind.

Jessasnym added in "Rosie, that was one of the rawest i ever had heard you sound in your song and been. By the way, you were amazing out here."

I stood still for five seconds until it finally did register to me in my head that i felt the surge of empowerment rushing through my veins which caused me to forget get all of my worries fade away out the window and then i thought maybe i would get used to this no late night calls, midnight drives, hugging, kisses, cuddles, no morning texts and holding hands in the school hallways. On the bright side, it looks like my hair has grown in the past weeks, currently changing back to its normal dark brown hair colour even though I had been trying to please my parents in my academic era.

Nobody has ever said change would be this exhausting.

"You made me get out of bed to do all this fun with guys. To help me healed from this heartbreak plus you made me see that i wasn't the problem here."

In a perfect world none of this heartbreak or darkness would ever be happening but if everyone was willing to look beyond those blinds or curtains to use their eyes to see it was all part of life nothing ever came easy unless we were all willing to fight for it. He has been fighting his entire life and so have I. The word perfect often get thrown around sometimes but if someone was eagerly willing to look past it then maybe we get to see each other's imperfections to realised maybe we were all the same.

Olivia had sent this picture to me saying how some guy had left a whole box of his hoodie with a packet of my favourite sour patches sweet in the same box. She ring my phone in bewilderment as to why someone might have left it there as i picked up the phone she said "hey, i am  currently aware of if you have a secret admirer or it is some random guy who went you this stuff."i could heard her practically overthinking over the phone to me.

The ways i tricked my mind into thinking that it was him who sent me it and then i heard some background noise of her telling every single  student who live on our floor to crowded around Jessa and i dorm room and i only turned my back for a little while to see Avenna was gone as i continued speaking to Olivia on the phone when Charlie told me " she went to sort out a couple of errands and she said she would meet  us back  here on campus." I nodded my head putting Olive on hold so that I could talk to Charlie about Ava.

"Did she tell you about those errands that she went to?"I questioned Charlie as I looked around this place.

In the meanwhile, i saw Charlie, Natalia and Jessa all were shaking their heads as i thought him showing me all of his scars was brave because after all, we only human being who had been through more than one slowly healing from our hidden scars, i just wished he was here with me right now no matter what or despite all of our odds we always conquer our dreams and demons together.

Of course, I was hurting but i will never put my own selfish needs first instead of being there for him and tomorrow I was going to wear black shorts and a floral top because the weather here was absolutely beautiful today yet this heat was killing me. I thought I might drop dead due to dehydration until Jessamyn came to give me my favourite ice cream mint chocolate ice cream or if there were no mint chocolate ice cream then she would buy me a magnum ice cream.

"Nope! but for what it worth i think you should give him a second chance-"

I interrupted Charlie by telling how understanding I was about the situation going between Mase and i since his head wasn't in the right headspace either would mine be if a similar thing happened to my family even if I did have every single right to be upset or heartbroken at that moment. She wasn't really trying to take anyone else's side given that the fact was everyone else had their own perspective along with the reason why she didn't want my relationship with Mason to end because she just wanted me to be happier although she was team Mason. And Never team Tristan, my ex-boyfriend.

"I know he did not intentionally mean to hurt my feelings. Listen, I'm not mad at him because he is still currently healing from what happened to his family so I gave him some space to do things." I sighed to myself.

Afterwards, I take Olive off hold for now. She was extremely shocked by how hard I had him grovelling and it wasn't even like i had plan for him to do that but i took a little while to step to appreciate all the brilliant things about life for instance, i was breathing perfectly fine, nonetheless, he wasn't one for breaking his promises so whatever universe we will end up with a different version of ourselves then I know that we will always be together.

"Listen to me.  A great love story like yours and Mason doesn't even fades away after time passes by because it is so inspiring that it deserves a love song."said Olivia referring to Mason and i's relationships.

Just like every romance story or love song ever written by female authors/ artists  were all about experienced a different type of relationship and how many couples were able to conquer the world. We were bigger than the whole sky.

Season changes began with spring to fall. You know the difference between a bright new beginning of life or plant and then the orange/ brown leaves started falling off the tree. It was just so magical to play with the leaves in autumn.


Hello, my lovely readers. 

I would really love to hear to your thoughts on this chapter. 

I want to know who is your favourite character or characters? 

Your favourite couple so far in this book series? 

Do you think that Mason and Rochelle would ever get back together again?

Stay tuned to find out more. ...


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