Chapter Eight

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Mason's Pov

All of my teammates were talking in the common room and playing pool on the pool table as they started to complain about how I was missing out on the enjoyment of playing pool with them at lunch break I have brought her favorite thing to eat with was sushi and boa buns wondering why it was her favourite foods to eat not to mention that I even used a chopped stick to eat them when I tried to save some of them for her although there were only two left in the container thanks to Fletcher and Dean for stealing them from me.

In the meantime, I wasn't too surprised that they were both completely mocking me so when something like this happens to them and I would love to return a good favour to both of them whilst I waited for her to message or called me because she told me that her class finished at half past twelve in the afternoon. It means that I have to put up with them mocking me. There was a fine line between them being at least a little bit supportive instead of having a laugh about my love life anyways, i know my girl got great type in foods although, she was improving on her taste in boys since she was my soulmate even if i had to sit here listened my teammates mocked me for having for feeling towards her, i almost regretting telling them the girl who i have my eyes on and now they were acting rather immature about it except Asher who kept chilled about it.

"Just asked the girl out already, man.''Dean said casually to me.

Dean advised was a huge no from me especially when i watched all the romantic movies or films that our  hockey captain girlfriend told Asher to watched so sometimes i watched it with him whether we had gotten bored and i learned that girls love great, big grand gestures but here was the thing she wasn't just any other girl,she was Rochelle stevens a talented sweetheart who won two of our university talent shows, a loyal friends, loves listens to music especially K-pop not that i was stalker her on spotify yet i once looked over her shoulders to what musician she was listening to on her Spotify playlist.

On the other hand, I wanted to invest myself and time into her culture of what makes her so beautifully unique. If she was to be a song then it would be a very incredibly enchanting romance ballad the type that you could never get tired of every time it plays on the radio station or on Spotify becoming more and more addicted to each day. I have a soft spot for her.

"My songbird does have a name you know and it is Rochelle."I told Dean, slightly irritated by him.

Firstly, I don't need him telling me what to do even if he did help with the rest of my friends or teammates to help me get a date nonetheless, I started thinking maybe I could learn Korean for her by using Duolingo apps to self-taught me to learn more about this lovely culture.

Another thing was that I wanted to impress her parents so badly that I was willing to learn every single word in Korean to prove to her parents that I was a worthy suitor for their daughter not caring what exactly everyone else says about it because I was just doing me and they should all puck off about it, to be honest with you. She deserves the world and not the bare minimum effort but more than it.

"Why are you feeling so down, chum?" asked Wyatt pouting while holding in his laugh.

However, Wyatt did try in his best ability to cheer me up with his hilarious humor whilst everyone else was laughing even though it did take me more to resist the urge to roll my eyes or chuckle at him. I just sat there with my arms crossed watching other people have fun as I waited for her to meet me here. I wanted to do the other stuff that she loves because I was so into her that I would do whatever it takes for her to realize that she was my heart.

"I would tell you but you wouldn't be more serious about it," I told Wyatt Truthfully.

The reason why I think Wyatt was unable to stay in a normal healthy relationship with himself or whoever he was. It was that his heart belong to his best mate Avenna for the moment that he has realized that there was a major moment where he decided not to ravage his friends with her and I was tired of hearing moaned about for years you know that in order to get the best results himself then he would just have to tough it out to chase away any thoughts of doubt inside his mind.

I was willing to help him out with his problem as a huge favor for helping me get a date alongside my songbird and Rochelle's ex-boyfriend turned her heart into a ghost town that she was struggling to love herself so that was why I was determined to change all of that in the span of twelve months to help her to have some self-love. We need to build a relationship based on trust because what was love with trust?
Her soul must be tired of all of those broken or lost hope in her but now she was trying to stand stronger than the highest mountain.

"Ohh, yeah then try me," said Wyatt and Fletcher.

"You are acting like this. Guys, I'm afraid I might have caught something ."Fletcher said annoyingly to me.

A beanbag at him and that was when I saw her walk into the room quite frankly, she looked at me a little bit confused about what was going on in the common room not to mention that I was acting laid-back trying not to argue with my friends right in front of me. Asher had tried to get them three to stop talking eventually, but it was too late since she had heard everything. In addition to this I might as well take accountability for my feelings to tell her how I feel about her. Furthermore, I nodded my head when she glanced directly at me and there was no way in all of heaven that I wanted to deny my feelings for her, not now, not ever. Most nights I hardly sleep as the thought of her clouds my mind that she was the only girl or woman who gave me sleepless nights or restless nights dreaming of her.

"Ooh, I wonder what it could be? Oh, I think I have seriously caught feelings for Rochelle." sounded out loud Dean.

Unfortunately, the whole room went quiet as I was too plotting my revenge on Dean for making her find out this way and if I could substitute Avenna or the other boys who don't seem to quite make the cut on our hockey even if coach Jensen told us to get along with Dean.

My heart sings for her name and always skips the beat. I offered her the rest of my Boa buns for lunch and Mochi for dessert as I started looking for the boba tea that I had gotten when I realized that Deano was drinking himself.

"Sorry about that numpty drinking your drink-"

She interrupted me by paused me, speaking as she asked me "Is it true what he says?"

At this moment she was asking for confirmation of my sentiments about her even though the evidence was in the way that I looked at her, smiled at her, and felt a source of happiness and freedom whenever I was with her. She began to pull me into a hug and then whispered right into my ear and added "It would be a shame if the answer is no because I definitely have the bloody hot for you."

"I have a feeling that this feeling is mutual between the two of us, my little songbird." I admitted to her.

As a matter of time, she had slowly started to smile before she winked at me and then my heart went boom and I instantly started thinking about what it meant for me to actually be her boyfriend. Or in other words I was just so stunned by how beautiful she was and extremely cute when she was being confident about herself.

Lastly, my muse kept asking me if she could have a piggyback ride while we were talking about anything including our little kitten Mittens who she had adored and wanted to keep her forever since we couldn't find mittens actually owner, next, we had talked about how our classes were going today but she told me that she was singing a duet with some guy in her class who was called Dess which they couldn't decided what song they wanted to sing. She picked up a piece of Boa buns from the container I was holding to eat her lunch after she had finished her lunch, she had a drink of water and then we all went back to the ice rink.

Puck, The Fine Lines |The Rockwell series#3Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt