Chapter Sixteen

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Rochelle's pov

Waking up in the middle of the night having a dream about being in the center of a jungle where the sky was pitch black not even a single star was visible then suddenly I saw myself staring up at the moon as I heard a sound turn around to see a monster chasing after me. I ran away faster than the speed of light but as I began heading in the other direction I bumped into a bear who looked like him that was protecting me from the beast.

All of a sudden my phone started ringing out loudly furthermore this woke me up from my nightmares. I picked up the phone call when I saw it was my parents calling me. I was confused why they were calling at this time and it wasn't until I had to check my alarm clock that the time was right o'clock In the morning which explains why Jessa was all dressed up holding a tray of two mugs of coffee in her hands too.

"Rochelle, do you want to explain to me why there is a mutt in my house?" asked my mom.

I forgot to mention to my mum that Mitten isn't a mutt and my cousin Vivian had forgotten to take it back to me. So I can leave Mitten in the hockey house unless I found a couple of days to convince the head department of the building himself to open up his heart to let me keep my kitten. Anyway, I mouthed a grateful "thank you" to Jess before taking my mug of coffee seeing that I had lacked sleep today so not in the mood for seeing my grade report back of my essay and demo for music and technology class.

Oh, snap!

As I mentioned to my mom "Mitten is a kitten who needs a place to stay with a roof over her head every single day also, Vivian forgot to bring my kitten over here too."

Once I heard my mom sigh over the phone whilst I was gonna get ready to be dressed up for today since class starts at eleven o'clock in the morning wishing that my mum let me keep the kitten at her place.

And out of nowhere, Avena came bursting into Jessa's and my dorm room looking ready to kill someone which of course was all of our duty as best friends we were willing to do anything to help her. I saw a note in her hand that had something nasty written about me on it next, I thought Tristan was over this especially when we were all grown up here but apparently to him it was difficult to grow up already.

"Fine but your father wants you to come home in exchange to look after your cat because we both miss you." said my mum, giving in to Mitten staying with her.

We both said our byes over the phone to each other. As I took a picture of the note before crumbling in my hands not wanting to dwell too much on the past afterwards, I see Jessa, Avena and Natalia together conspiring an agenda including they were also seething with rage that my ex-boyfriend would do such like this although, I wouldn't put it past him to remain peaceful after a huge defeat of losing to the person who he claimed to be the loser. In the meantime, I exhaled a breath when I decided that I have had enough of his lies which means I was going to make a diss track about him.

"Haven't we been through enough of this past year?" Rhetorical asked Avena, fuming too.

Right now, I was thinking of coming up with false alibis for my friends to help avoid them from getting caught knowing that they would always do the same for me no matter how huge or complex the situation might be risking everything for each other. We believe, trust, love our friendship even though we think we were like sisters because of our strong bond, shared heart breaks or every single thing that has happened to us including when we talk about our moments. In every story everyone else talks about bromance but never sisterhood and a girl version like that.

We were not related by blood but they were my chosen family who didn't feel the need to compare me to my siblings just because everyone in my family were in the medical fields whereas was in the music industry fields telling me that i had waste my parent time as i dislike my dad side of the family except for the only one aunt who supported me called aunt Julia. She shows up at every talent contest show which I performed in, recording the special moments and all. Anyways, back to the point here was that i should just gotten Mitty my kitten to scratch the windows of his car also, maybe i should just throw a prank on Tristan who hates cats by leading a cat at his door however, my new boyfriend Mason doesn't fear cats, he just had a very hard grumpy exterior which was the opposite of his interior soft side too.

"So we took matters into our own hands and I popped his new car tires with a couple of words spray painted on his car hood."said Charlie as her lips began to curve into a devious smirk on her face.

The four of us walked out of the room heading down the stairs and straight into the exit of the housing building as we continued to talk to Charlie through Facetime on Jessamyn's phone when we saw Charlie standing in the car park frowning at something she saw before she turned around to wave us over.

"What do you mean you popped his car tires and a few words painted on his car hood?"I asked Natalia, shocked yet hoping no evidence was left behind.

Our conversation carried on from earlier since Natalia and Avena kept talking about it whilst Jessamyn as well as me looked over to where she was looking at. To see Wyatt talking to Kylie as if they were practically flirting with each other about anything else although Jessamyn, Natalia, Charlie and I were all rooting for Ava or Vawa, not the best ship names I know because we were still working on it.

They both seriously need a wake-up call to be able to see what was right in front of them. At first, I thought they were platonic soulmates until I realized that they were destined to be no matter what happens.

"Like all of them, Natalia wrote a lying scumbag on it with a bunch of questionable words on it."said Avena who high-fives Natalia for it.

All of us were in a group hug.

"You guys did that all for me?"I asked truly appreciatively to them.

As touching as all of those things were to hear my best friends were on my side although, i have learn a lot from my mother and my aunt Juila growing up that i just didn't expected the one where women was constantly still being judged by society to be painted as the perfect picture or model figure you know i almost never blamed the other girl in the story because there were always more point of views in the story. I guessed that my growth development was when I decided how I was going to tell my own story even if nobody else wanted to hear the truth. Furthermore, In conclusion, beauty was in the eyes of the beholder.

Additionally, I was so over boys or men comparing other looks or flaws to each other. Nonetheless,this was one of the facts about Mason knowing that he would never compare me to other girls appearances not even when i was on my time of the month, he said that i like an angel despite my messy bun hairstyle, being dressed in a red hoodie and a pair legging with comfy fluffy soft on my feet.

Moreover, the best thing about womanhood was other women supporting one another through their struggles and hardships as they compliment each other whenever one of them feels lows in life. A world where any woman could be in charge of their own destiny without being made to feel insecure was a world I wanted to be a massive part of.

Can you just imagine being part of that world?

"Well of course, because anything that hurts or even affects you. It affects us too, Rochelle," stated Jessamyn.

The point was that it doesn't seem acceptable for Avena and Wyatt not to be able to be a couple. He was everything and vice versa, he would jump through hoops just to get to her.

According to-what Mase told me that Wyatt always eats the red Skittle lost, for example, last week he did an Instagram story claiming how the red Skittle was the last to be eaten by him. The reason why was that he was saving it to it last with the caption the best for last.

Some krypton message Wyatt posted or maybe I was reading too much into the post. I would never know unless I have some sort of backup aka Jessamyn, Natalia and Charlie who all seem to agree with me that he was trying to tell us all.

"Aww, Thanks guys but I think it's time to talk about a different topic that has nothing to do with any of our exes,"I said steering Avena into my car first.

For the last few hours, I went shopping after one of the afternoon classes we had. We looked at many stores in order for us to get a new wardrobe and to distract me from overthinking everything over ten seconds.

At the end of the day, we went to our university on-campus dorms rooms to write a song together in the power of sisterhood and then we stayed up to have a spa facial night eating fruits and chocolate whilst singing from the top of our lungs to Lana Del Ray and Lizzo too.

Puck, The Fine Lines |The Rockwell series#3Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt