chapter 21

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Avinash kneeled infront of adarsh as he was sitting on the sofa..

Avinash - p-papa i-i know what I did was very wrong I'm really really sorry I don't know what was going on in my head at that time that I did this i deserve way more punishment then this (as he rested his head on adarsh's knees and finally let his tears flow)

Adarsh looked at him as he softly caressed his head..
By now Avinash was a crying mess he was really regretting everything..

Adarsh - get up bacha come here (said softly)

As Avinash stood up and sat beside him while looking down as tears were still flowing from his eyes..

Adarsh heart clutch as he saw his deep red cheeks and puffy eyes by which tears were still flowing non stop and ofcourse he mealted in seconds..

Adarsh hugged him tightly ,avi buried his face in his shoulder as adarsh started rubbing his back softly to calm him down...

Adarsh - let's go to ahana ok (said softly after avi calmed down a bit)

Avinash nodded as they went towards Avinash's room and saw ahana was sleeping while hugging a pillow burying her face in it her hair was covering rest of her face..

Adarsh - go get changed and wash your hmm (said softly)

Avinash nodded and went inside the bathroom to freshen up..

Meanwhile Adarsh went towards ahana and sat beside her.
As he removed the hairs which were Falling on her face and saw her cheek was a little swollen and was red as her skin is sensitive and tears stain..
He gluped and softly caressed her cheek regretting that he was not able to control his anger as he took a wet tissue from the side table and wiped her face..
He has always dealt with ahana and Avinash with patience but today because of too much exhaustion he just lost it..

And then Avinash came out of the bathroom with a Pouting like a baby while looking down ..

Adarsh - come bacha (patted his lap)

As Avinash quickly went to him and layed down on the bed placing his head on adarsh's lap..

Adarsh softly caressed it..

Avinash - I'm sorry (said more like a whisper as his eyes became moist again)

Adarsh - it's ok bacha (wiped his tears) I'm sorry too i shouldn't have slapped you (said while caressing his cheek)

Avinash - i deserved it and you should have beaten me more this was not enough (said as again tears came in his eyes)

Adarsh - shh shut up (wiped his tears again) but you should have told me beta I got really worried (said while caressing his hair)

Avinash - i thought you won't allow me (said slowly)

Adarsh - so you didn't even asked me hmmm??

Avinash - I'm s-sorry (said more like a whisper)

Adarsh - (sighed) it's ok now sleep hmmm but don't think that your punishment is done you will get your punishment ..

Avinash - (pouted) fineee !!!

Adarsh - (smiled) now sleep hmmm..

Avinash - sleep with us please (puppy eyes)

Adarsh - (chuckled) ok ok chalo jagah do fir Mere ko and let ahana sleep in between or she will again show her stunt and will fall from bed as well..

Avinash nodded as he kissed adarsh's cheek and then carefully shifted ahana in middle and laid  beside her as he looked at her to take her in his embrace but Adarsh was already hugging her..

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