Chapter 28

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Jimin  ended up borrowing some pants and a shirt from Felix.

The boy let him know that there were a lot more in the guest rooms and they were brand-new.

But jimin  didn't want brand-new. He wanted yoongi's smell.

The moment they stepped out of the bedroom, the cherries were only coming from yoongi's  body. In the rest of the house there was a scent of clean and maybe roses.

It was nice, but yoongi's  smell was better.

Yoongi  guided him to the kitchen, taking quick steps and turning around from time to time to grab his hands and pull him closer, making sure he followed tight.

When they got to the kitchen, yoongi took a long breath, and jimin  did the same. Both boys being starved and their stomachs grumbling, asking for the chicken scenting the room.

The dishes were already set on the kitchen island, along with some water, cutlery and glasses.

"C'mon." Yoongi urged him, sitting on one of the stools and waiting for Jimin  to do the same.

It took him a bit longer, though. He was still taking in that yoongi's  mother had cooked that, and for them .

He sat slowly at his spot, inspecting the food while yoongi was already ravishing all of it.

He stopped, though, when he saw jimin's  stunned expression.

"What's wrong?" Yoongi  switched his gaze between the plate and jimin , not understanding his reaction. "You don't like it? We can cook something else-"

"No!" Yoongi  stopped talking when jimin  gulped, his eyes red and puffy from his previous crying session just to start filling again with tears. "No one has ever- cooked for me before."

Yoongi's  soul left his body when he watched the younger cry over some chicken.

He looked so fragile.

It was a side he wasn't expecting to see at all.

He didn't even know he had it.

"I'm sorry- I'm crying all the time." Jimin  laughed, swiping the tears off his eyes and leaning his elbow on the counter.

"Baby..." Yoongi  stood up and threw himself at him, burying his face on his neck.

It was so sad.

Growing without anyone putting food on your table, without anyone caring to ask how your day was, without anyone giving you a goodnight kiss or just saying that they love you before going to work.

Yoongi  didn't know what he would've done without his mother. And Jimin...

"You're so strong, you know that?" He whispered, almost feeling his own tears threatening to spill.

 Jimin didn't answer, he just hugged the boy closer, letting his heart pace at the same rhythm as his.


It was a weird day, he experienced a lot of downfalls and felt clingier than usual, asking yoongi  to sleep with him again since he was in need of something or someone to hug on.

And when the moon started hiding to make way for the sun, he felt the ache on his eyes and limbs from being in the same position the whole night.

Although yoongi  had offered to spoon or just lay there with him if jimin  didn't feel comfortable, he refused and hugged yoongi  by his waist, again bringing yoongi's  chest to his face so he could hear his heartbeat.

It was melodic, something jimin  hadn't done in a long time, maybe never.

He didn't remember the last time someone had cuddled him, or kissed his head, or caressed his hair.

After so much time without having anyone that close, he felt the need to not let yoongi  go.

And even if it was just for a day, he let himself enjoy yoongi's  touch and presence.

A/N : 

Just a cute filler chapter with flufffff  ! 💗✨

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