Chapter 23

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The next day night , everyone was chilling out in the park. Minding their own business.

It was a pretty night. There weren't any clouds and the stars shone at their brightest.

Jimin  smiled  at the sky and felt a pinch on his chest when a cute laugh was heard on the other side of the park.

The low pitch and flirty tone were so easy to distinguish.

When jimin  glanced back he found yoongi  laughing at something, smiling his precious gummy smile to the guy who was beside him.

Jimin didn't know the guy, but he didn't mind either.

The only thing that he cared about was that yoongi seemed to be flirting and having a good time with that person.

It wasn't that much, he tried to pacify himself, repeating that a laugh did not mean anything and even if it did, it was not his doing.

So he laid again on the ground, trying to get his attention back to the little stars scattered all over the voidness of the sky.

But it was so hard. Yoongi's  voice and constant laughs were making jimin's  insides turn and his view turn into a crimson red with each passing moment.

He wasn't looking at it, but it was so obvious that yoongi was flirting by his tone of his voice.

It was impossible to make out his words from the distance, so jimin  didn't really know what was happening.

Everything changed when he heard a moan, though.

He snapped his head up to find the boy grabbing yoongi's ass and getting dangerously close to him.

And yoongi didn't seem to have a problem with it, wrapping his arms around the boy's neck and also getting his head closer, whispering things to his face.

Of course, it was just jimin's  imagination working him through it, but by the way yoongi was touching and looking at the stranger, it was more than probable that he was actually saying those words.

Just like he did with jimin.

The thought raised rage on jimin's  chest, sinking at the image of someone else touching yoongi .

He couldn't take his eyes off the guys's  hands, gripping yoongi's  asscheeks as if they belonged to him.

'Don't do anything.' He repeated himself, stilling his breaths and even turning his head to get rid of the disgusting scene.

But his eyes traveled again to the couple on their own.

His rage came to an ending point when the stranger decided to lower his face and kiss  yoongi's cheek.

Everything around him didn't matter. Just those calloused dirty hands roaming all over yoongi's  body and that sick tongue making its way down to his neck.

He really wanted to stay still, but he couldn't.

 Jimin was already running to them before realizing, grabbing yoongi's  shirt and pulling him away from that disgusting body.

Yoongi's  eyes widened, as if he had been woken up from a dream and was still not entirely conscious.

"What the hell are you doing,dude?" Now that he was closer, he could identify the boy as Mingyu , the captain of the posh high school soccer team.

"No. What the hell are you doing." Jimin  answered angrily, throwing mingyu  a deadly look. "Don't put those disgusting hands of yours on him ever again. Do you understand?"

Mingyu crossed his arms, not even flinching, it almost looked as if he was challenging jimin.

"Why? Are you his boyfie?" An eating shit grin made its way on his mingyu's defiant face, instantly raising a burning sensation on jimin's  chest.

"I'm the one who's gonna smash your face if you don't get lost right now." With his eye twitching and angry red face, jimin  looked like a complete maniac, ready to beat the shit out of that snob to let him know who was the one in charge.

Mingyu laughed airily and took a few steps closer, getting right in front of jimin  and looking at him with the same impassive expression.

"I would like to see you try."

They started a staring contest, both of them getting closer and blowing up the tension, which could be cut with a knife.

"Hey, hey. Stop." As if yoongi  had already woken up from his shocked state, he got between the two boys, separating them forcefully with his hands.

"Tell him you're with me, baby." Yoongi's face changed completely, sporting a winning grin as he grabbed the yoongi by the waist.

"Baby?" Jimin huffed and shook his head with a smile. "Call him that again if you dare."

"Oh I'm gonna call him more than that."

A deep growl echoed inside jimin's  chest.

"You're making a scene, just stop." Yoongi looked around, noticing the people starting to feel curious about the two, glancing over.

"Tell him to fuck off and I'll stop." Jimin  grunted, not bothering to lower his gaze to yoongi.

" jimin , you're getting everyone's attention." Yoongi seemed distressed, not liking the focus to be on them.

"Am I?" Still not caring, the blonde grabbed Mingyu  by the collar of his shirt. "You better go, then."

Mingyu  looked down to find some support on yoongi , but he seemed to be also agreeing with jimin  and didn't say anything.

"Fuck off." After glaring at them one last time, he turned around and left, leaving jimin  with an annoyed yoongi .

"Why the fuck did you do that?" The frown on yoongi's  face only deepened when jimin  didn't answer and decided to walk out the park. "Hey! Where are you going?"

The younger  didn't look back, but he knew yoongi  was following closely, even if it was to scold him.

"Get in." Using the keys of his car, jimin  unlocked it and opened the driver's door, waiting for yoongi  to sit in the co-pilot's seat.

"What? Fuck, no. Answer me. Why did you do that?"

"Get your ass inside the fucking car, Min Yoongi."

His voice had dropped to a low pitch, something that did not happen often.

Yoongi  didn't flinch, though, he just stood in his spot crossing his arms with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm not going anywhere with you, jimin ." His words were said as a statement, just informing jimin .

"Come inside if you don't want me to go there again and beat that asshole to death."

It was a simple sentence, and jimin  was very serious about it, maybe the more serious he had been in his whole life.

And yoongi seemed to sense it, because he didn't answer, just rolled his eyes and opened the door, taking a seat next to jimin.

"Your such a dumass Min Yoongi".

"Shut the fuck up brat".

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