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Aluna POV

"Dinner went well tonight,"
Theo said as we entered the house.

"Yes for you."
I said referring to Theo father singing over his business to him.

"Oh come on Aluna can you be a little kind towards me,"
"I'm trying my best here."
He said grabbing my hand stopping me from walking away.

"Tell me Theo how are you trying your best?"
"By forcing me to live with you,"
"By threatening to blowing up a gym full of kids."
"And don't get me started on Ryan."
I said looking at him.

"Do you really think Ryan would off really stayed with you?"
"he doesn't love you Aluna."
"if he really loved you he wouldn't off gotten a woman pregnant."
Theo said as his words pierced into my heart.

"You need to open your eyes and see the truth Aluna,"
"I have always loved you since the day I laid eyes on you."
"I have chosen to be with you after everything you've done to me."
I love you Aluna."
Theo said.

"If you love me then why do you have body guards present around me 24-7,"
"You want me to except a life with you and you don't even trust to be alone with me without your gun."
"you are scared off me aren't you Theo?"
I said looking at him smiling.

"I know you're a boxer Aluna and I am ashamed to say you are capable off knocking me out."
"I'm not going to let my guard down around you until I know I can trust you."
"So if I choose to have a gun or choose to have explosives near the gym to keep you in good behavior I will."
He said returning the smile.

"Now if you excuse me I'm going out to the club,"
"I'm going to celebrate my new business."
"I'm going to get waisted"
He said taking a step towards me.

"Or should I stay home and be entertained by you?"
"When last you got laid?"
"I bet you are dying to be pleased."
He said grabbing my waist.

"Yes I am,"
"But not by you."
"I rather be dead."
I said pushing him off me,
he stumbled back reaching for his gun which was not there.

"Looking for this?"
I said holding up his gun.

"You know what Theo you are right,"
"I am capable off knocking you out or shooting you."
I said examining the gun.

"But just because I'm capable off doing bad things doesn't me I what to."
I said handing him back the gun.

"Have a good night Theo."
I said waving at him as he left the house knowing that I have gotten into his head, 
if I am to free myself from him I have to be smart about it.
Because if Theo gets hurt or dies I'm going to be the first person his family will suspect because his mother hates me.
So instead I made him think I chose not to shoot him because I still have feelings for him.
Which obviously I don't I rather die.
I need to regain his trust just for a little while until
I get him to disarm that bomb he has planted at the gym in Greece.
Then I will knock him the fuck out and escape.

"What's up."
"How was dinner with the in-laws."
Jace asked entering the house taking me out off my thoughts.

"How do you think it went."
I said while walking up the stairs walking towards Dave the body guard who guards my room door taking out a little box with macrons from my purse that I brought back for him from the restaurant giving it to him,
I have also developed a little friendship with him,
I always bring him back some sort of pastry or dessert from work when I get home.

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