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I answered clearing my throat walking towards the door opening it.
It was Joe.

"I was told you are leaving tonight, why is that?"
Joe asked taking a step inside coming face to face with Ryan.

"You know what scratch that question, why are you in her room?"
Joe asked looking at Ryan.

"I um...."

"He came to thank me for making dinner for his daughters."
I said making something up because Ryan is quick in the ring but not in his words he is terrible at lying.

"That's nice but why are you leaving?"
Joe asked looking at me.

"I'm not leaving anymore because I just missed my flight thanks to you two."
I said rolling my eyes at them.

"Well I'm happy to hear that, now if you excuse us Ryan I need to have a word with Aluna."
Joe said holding the door open for Ryan to leave.
He awkwardly said good night to me walking away quickly like a kid who got caught stealing candy.

"And don't go far I want to talk to you after I'm done with her."
Joe said to Ryan before closing the door.

"I'm going to say this once and only once Aluna,
What ever is going on between you two got to stop right this minute,  you have a finance and he has an important match coming up."

"Thier is noth..."

"Don't lie to me I have known Ryan for a few years and I have known you since you were a little girl and I know something is up with you two,"
"You better end this flirtation or else..."

"Or else what Joe, you going to send me back to Paris?"
I asked because I was tired off his treats to send me back.

"No not that."
He said shaking his head.

"Then what?"
I asked folding my arms looking at him.

"Don't you worry about that, just remember that you are getting married in a three weeks."
He said before leaving my room closing the door behind him.
I let out a groan plummeting down on my bed thinking about what just happened,
suddenly I got the feeling off my blood rushing through my body as my memory went to the kiss,
the chemistry and tension between us was unbelievable, I knew I had some feelings for him hidden deep inside but that kiss brought out everything.
It also brought out guilt because I was instantly flooded with guilt as my thoughts went to my fiancé Theo, oh god I just cheated on my fiancé, what has gotten over me? I would never do something like this.

Ryan POV.

I stood in the corridor waiting for Joe who just have the worst timing in the world.
I was taken out off my thoughts by Aluna room door opening and Joe walking towards me.

"Your fight is in two weeks and I don't want you getting detracted you understand?"
He said pointing to me.

"She is no distraction."
I said looking at him dead in the eyes before walking back to my room, Joe needs to know his place sometimes.

"She is getting married in three weeks!"
He shouted before I close the door.

Next morning

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