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I sat at the bottom of the stairs outside my villa waiting for Dario, it was past 8:30 and he is still not here, I was actually low key was hoping he would somehow forget about the date or cancel.
Because I really don't want to go out,
far most go on a date.
I really don't think I'm in the place to let everyone in right now.
It's literally like my heart won't let me.
I was suddenly taken out of my thoughts by the sound off footsteps approaching.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
Dario said running towards me with a bunch of flowers in his hand.

"I got tied up at the hotel, please forgive me?"
He said handing me the flowers trying to catch his breath.
He looked like he ran from the hotel to my place.

"It's okay."
I said taking the flowers smelling it.

"You look astonishing tonight."
He said putting out his hand for me.

I said smiling taking his hand getting up.

"I said smiling taking his hand getting up

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"This way."
Dario said pointing to the elevator making me look at him confused because the restaurant was on the ground floor.

"I hope you don't mind but I arranged for us to have dinner in one of the suite."
He said looking at me scratching the back off his head nervously.

"Oh okay,"
I said following him into the elevator.
We arrived at the top floor walking down the corridor.
He opened the door gesturing me to enter.
The suite was decorated with roses and candles everywhere, it gave me a honeymoon type off vibe.
Is this guy really thinking he is gonna get laid or something?
I thought to myself letting out a scoff.

"Is everything okay."
He asked bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Everything is fine but before we get to dinner I want to make one thing clear."
I said folding my arms looking at him.

"What's that?"
he asked looking at me confused.

"Let's make something clear,"
"I'm not that type of girl who sleeps with a guy on the first date,"
"the most you are getting from me might just be a friendly hug at the end of the night."
I said making him look at me amused.

"I understand,"
he said pulling out my chair then taking a seat across from me.

"I understand,"he said pulling out my chair then taking a seat across from me

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