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Aluna POV

I woke up to Theo calling my name,
I opened my eyes seeing him standing at the foot of my bed looking at me.
He still looked pissed as he was last night.

"Get changed and meet me downstairs for breakfast."
He said throwing clothes at me leaving the room.

I got out off the bed walking to the bathroom taking a shower getting changed, leaving the room.

"Where are you going!"
The guy guarding my door shouted as I stepped out pointing the gun to my leg.

"If you're going to shoot me aim at my head not my leg,"
I said stepping closer towards him.

"The boss wants her to join him for breakfast"
The guy from last night who broke into my cafe said walking towards me.

"Hello Aluna my name is Jace."

"I know exactly who you are,"
"you hit me on the back off my head yesterday remember."
I said looking at him.

"the boss assigned me to look after you,
I'm your new bodyguard."
"so can you please follow me to the dining room the he is waiting."
He said guiding the way as I followed him.
We walked to the dining room where Theo was sitting waiting on me.

"Morning Aluna."
Theo said pushing a cup of coffee towards me.
But I pushed it back at him looking down at the table.

"You are going to have to eat Aluna."
"this is your new life now,"
"I have someone bring you new clothes and stuff."
"They are rules for you to follow from now on."
Theo said walking over sitting on the chair next to me.
He took out his phone showing me a picture of Ryan standing outside the hotel.

"Theo please leave Ryan out of this,"
"I will do anything you want, just please don't hurt him."
I pleaded with him.

"Well listen carefully to what I'm about to tell you Aluna and if you obey my rules I will not kill anyone,"
you understand?"

"Yes I understand".
I said looking at him.

"I have a few rules for you to follow."
He said handing me the coffee watching as I took a sip.

Rule no 1
"you are to live here from now on,"
"if anyone asks we are back together and you are staying at my place."

Rule no 2
"you can come back to work at the restaurant but you have to be accompanied by Jace at all time,"
"he will be keeping an eye on you from now on."
"you are to have no contact with your family or your friends."
"You are only given your phone for work purposes nothing else."
"Jace will monitor and be in control off all your calls, messages, social media accounts and report it to me."

"And lastly"
"we are eventually going to have to get married at some point,"
"I know you hate me right now."
"But we will eventually get back to a place we once were."

"Do you have any questions?"
Theo asked placing his hand on my chin raising my head so I may look at him.

"I have no questions"
I said looking at him as a tear fell from my eye.

Good he said taking a deep breath getting up walking away.

Ryan POV

Ryan POV

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