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"I don't know if to hug you because I miss you or to curse you out for leaving me."
He said looking at me straight in the eyes.

"I'm so sorry Ryan....."

"Don't apologize Aluna, I just want to know why?"
"I understand you were upset about what Joe told you but was it necessary to leave ghosting everyone falling off the face off the earth?"
"Their was a point Joe almost made a missing person report on you."
"I had to stop him showing him the messages you sent me before you left."
"I even thought to myself that you just needed a little space some time to think,"
"I had hope that you will call or keep contact with me,"
"Especially after the fight when I had no one by my side."
"I did nothing but confess how I felt about you,"
"How important you was to me, you were literally my anchor in my ocean of chaos and you left me to drown Aluna."
He said looking at me with his piercing eyes.

I just stood there in utter shock, my heart literally shattered by his words, I have never felt so bad in my life like how I feel right now listening to his words.

"Ryan I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you..."

"Save your apologies Aluna, I don't want to her it,"
He said opening the door storming out off my apartment, leaving me in shock,
I have never seen him so angry.
I stood there in shock for a few minutes as his voice repeated in my head over and over.
Seeing him brought back a burst off emotions out off me,
emotions that I kept locked away since I came to Greece.

I whisper opening the door to run after him,
I'm sure he hasn't gotten that far.
I ran down the stairs barefoot coming face to face with Dario who was at the bottom of the stairs.

"Where did you disappear to?"
I told you to wait and you stormed off."
"What is going on?"
"Is everything ok?"
He asked looking at me worried.

"I'm okay."
I said looking over his shoulders hopeing to spot Ryan but he was no where in site.

"Did I say something earlier that made you uncomfortable or something?"
He asked looking down at my barefoot.

"No, not at all."
"I just forgot my oven on that's all,"
I said instantly facepalming myself because that was the worst excuse.

"Oh my, thankfully not bad happened."
he said looking worried.

"Yeah thank god."
I said scratching the back off my head.

"Well good night."
I said walking back up the stairs waving at him.

"Um Selene are you sure everything is okay,"
"I'm only asking because weren't you running in a hurry down the stairs a minute ago to turn off the oven in the cafe and now you're walking back to your apartment."
"Aren't you going to turn off the oven."
He asked scrunching his eyebrows.

"Oh yes, I did turn off the oven earlier,"
"but I forgot to lock up that's why I was running back down the stairs."
I said shaking my head walking back down the stairs.

"Well good night Dario."
I said waving to him before walking towards the cafe.

"Good night."
He said awkwardly waving at me before turning around walking away with the most confusing look on his face.
I waited for him to leave then let out a sigh walking back up the stairs, there was no hope going after Ryan now, he is probably long gone.
I could go back to the hotel but I don't want to risk running into Dario.
Even though if I did, I don't think Ryan wants to see me or hear what I have to say.
He made it clear he doesn't want my apology.
He was right I left without warning, he did nothing but showed me love,
He broke down that cold wall I built after my parents died,  he brought happiness and love to my life once again and I fucked everything up by leaving him.
I let out a sigh walking to my refrigerator grabbing a bottle of wine pouring myself a glass taking a huge gulp plummeting on the sofa taking a deep breath.

I let out a sigh walking to my refrigerator grabbing a bottle of wine pouring myself a glass taking a huge gulp plummeting on the sofa taking a deep breath

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Next day.

Ryan POV,

I groan rolling over as the sun hit my face,
The last thing I remembered was leaving Aluna's place and heading straight to the club,
Everything after the club was a blur to me.
I can't even remember how I got back to the hotel.
I groaned looking to my left seeing Sean sleeping on the sofa.
I picked up my shoe trowing it at him waking him up.

"What the fuck?"
He said looking at me pissed.

"What happened last night, how did I get there?"
I asked making him roll his eyes at me.

"You came to the club 4 hours late and started downing shots like a maniac,"
"I asked you a million times what happened and you told me to fuck off."
He said sitting up.

"Oh I'm sorry man my bad."
I said scratching the back off my neck.

"So what happened?"
He asked taking a deep breath.

"I ran into Aluna last night."

He asked eyes wide open.

"I saw her at the hotel, she ran away and I followed her to what I think is her place."

"And what did she say?"
He asked getting up walking over to me.

"Actually nothing, I didn't give her a chance to talk,"
"I literally had an outburst at her,"
"I told her everything that was in my mind and left."
"Which I now think is a bad idea because....."

"Yow Ryan the old man from the restaurant "yesterday is here to take us to the gym."
"Do you want me to cancel?"
My friend Chris asked entering my room.

"No, tell him I'll be down in a bit."
I said getting off the bed walking to the bathroom

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