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A/N- I know that we have been skipping around in time and I would like to confirm the date and everything. at this point of the book, the date is February 20th, 2025. fully aware that I can't predict the future, so I will just pretend like I know shit. this story will start to slow down a bit. if there are any big time jumps, I'll tell you.

would also like to tell you that Hadley is coming back into the story. sadly. I just needed to tell you for mental preparation. she is NOT coming back to UConn so don't worry. but she will become a... worry. she won't be IN the book very much. more just talked about quite often.

I hope you enjoy the turn the book will be taking. we will be getting Claire povs. more flashbacks. Iris's first kiss story. Alice and Lillian angst flashbacks. getting a tiny bit into Iris's life when she was at dowling. etc. enjoy.

ALSO... dowling catholic (the high school Caitlin went to) is my schools rival... we have the seventh biggest rivalry in the country... so yeah. still love dowling tho ngl. #valley and dowling need to truce. I need to marry Caitlin without her knowing I go to her rival school.

Iris pov

"I feel like we haven't hung out in forever," I say to Claire.

"because we haven't," she laughs. "it's been months."

"it has not," I scoff.

"it has though," she says. "we haven't seen each other since December for christmas."

"oh," I say.

"yeah," she smiles weakly.

"sorry," I say.

"it's fine," she assures.

"do you want to go to dinner?" I ask.

"yeah," she says.

we eat at Cheesecake Factory.

"alice and Lillian's wedding keeps getting delayed," I tell Claire.

"why?" she asks.

"because Lillian's parents are super homophobic and won't let her get married."

"why does it matter?" Claire asks.

"because her parents paid for her college and are threatening to take her to court if she gets married to her or something," I say.

"damn," Claire says.

"yup," I laugh.

"when are Paige and you getting married?" she asks.

I look around to see if anyone heard. "We're not sure yet. after graduation though."

"how are things going with your sister?" she asks.

"we haven't talked in a bit," I sigh.


"she basically told the whole internet that Paige and I are getting married."

"she told people that she just meant that if you two were to get married," Claire says.

"still," I say. "as a closeted gay, you'd think that she would be better at being careful."

"she's only ever been with one girl," Claire points out. "it's probably hard for her."

"yeah," I sigh.

"when was the last time you talked?" she asks.

"last week."

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