四 || Meowy's Whereabouts

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"We will have to go back to work soon okay Power?"

"Yes my liege."

"Please, you don't have to call me that." Y/N comments as she stands near one of the vending machines, letting Denji and Power take a break in a small and calm place. They may have to think of something better than what they were doing now, sure it wouldn't affect her exactly but she would like to help.

Y/N and Power both hear a meow, turning around and seeing a grey cat with green eyes. Y/N wasn't too fond of cats, well actually, she wasn't fond of any pets, she wasn't an animal person at all... Though she can't actually remember exactly why she was always like that.

"This slurping down drinks... Is another dream come true for me." Denji started all of a sudden, gaining Y/N's attention but not Power's. Power could care less, she was more focused on the cat.

"Is it really?" Y/N replied, smiling at Denji as he looked at her.

"Yeah! But... If we keep screwing up like we did today though, being thirsty drops to the bottom of my list of problems."

"Well we'll just have to work harder then, don't worry, I'll help." Y/N remarks, making Denji almost laugh at her.

"That thought should make working with a lying chick easier shouldn't it? but nah."

"Nah?" Y/N chuckled out.

"Nah." Denji nodded, affirming her question.

"I only take pleasure in the company of cats, I hate humans with all that I am." Power interrupted, picking up the grey cat and petting it.

"... Oh..." Y/n muttered, scratching her head before Power turned to her. Y/N would have to watch out to make sure she didn't kill her in her sleep or something like that.

"My liege, It's not because I have a personal grievance, despising mankind is a demonic instinct, and devils are equally abhorrent! I hate them too."


"Since one took my pet cat Meowy away."

Y/N tilted her head a bit, confused by Power's obsession over cats. Y/N's not sure she can confidently say she's been obsessed with anything, maybe old love story movies but that a big maybe.

Denji just kept slurping at his drink.

"Before I was able to save Meowy, Makima caught me and thwarted my plans. Meowy may already be dead but still, I can't give up... If it permits me to retrieve that which I have lost, I will even stoop so low as to ally with mortals. I doubt the two of you would understand such sentiment for the likes of a feline."

"I can understand-"

"All for a cat? That's dumb as hell." Denji replied.

Y/N was ticked off. She just sighed, deciding that she just wouldn't talk anymore. Literally every time she talked, someone took the time and liberty to interrupt her.

"I know I'd go to some extreme lengths to fondle some titties though."

"... What?" Y/N asked Denji, not knowing if she felt like laughing or crying. She almost had the urge to buy a soda just so she could throw the can at his forehead. Her brother would have probably said the same thing though.

"The human psychic is a truly perplexing thing." Power mumbled to herself in thought.

"Oh, I think I might get it if it was for a dog." Denji added, looking up from his drink. 

"Since you find the prospect of groping breasts intriguing then I'll let you touch mine as a reward for saving Meowy."

"What?" Y/N asked again, even more concerned that this was the topic of conversation. 

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