三つ || Fiend One, Fiend Two

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Y/N follows the two in front of her as they travel on top of the buildings. Since Power didn't look anything like a normal human, they would have to travel away from as little civilians as possible. After all, there's only so much you can write off as "she's a cosplayer." The eyes and horns maybe but her attitude says it all.

She's a fiend... At least part fiend.

Y/N was quiet the whole time, which probably annoyed both Denji and Power. She was the most reasonable and adult like one out of the three of them and they'd like her to direct them in some sort of way... Well that was kind of a lie. Denji wanted that, Power couldn't have cared less since Y/N kind of scared her a bit.

Suddenly Power ran away from them, looking down from the building ledge before running all the way back behind Denji and smacking his head.

"Human! Supply prey for me post haste! I yearn for the savor of blood!"

Y/N could laugh if she really wanted to because she remembers the times that she talked like that. It was usually during theatrical rehearsal, specifically of medieval stories but it was fun none the less to hear and say.

Denji doesn't respond, instead just continues walking and before Power can smack Denji again, Y/N grabs the back of her blue sweater and continues the patrol.

"... You eat cats?" Y/N asked, stopping as Power eyed a cat that was sitting down near them.

"Agh!? No my liege! How dare you offer something like that!"

"... Oh... Um... Well, sorry." Y/N shrugged, getting a weird stare from Power before she ran off to follow Denji again. Damn, this was a bit harder than she wanted it to be. Was she that bored and insulted that Power didn't want to walk near her anymore?

"So... Where to?" Denji turned to ask, Y/N only looked around a bit as the two of them got to a ledge before pointing over it to the next building.


"Okay... But how do we get over there safely- Hey! Wait!" Denji yelled, watching as Power immediately followed Y/N's instructions and jumped from the ledge to the next one. Y/n briefly smiled at Power before getting on the ledge.

"It's a small distance, it just looks very far from this angle so I'm sure you can do it... Have you ever heard of parkour before?" Y/N questioned Denji, getting a shake from his head as he sighed and got on top of the ledge.

"Don't worry, just jump with me on three." Y/N smiled, taking Denji's hand as he got on the ledge.


"Okay, okay here we go."


"Here we go, I won't fall!"


Y/N jumped and Denji tried... He really did try to jump... Unfortunately he didn't since he was nervous and held onto the railing and her arm instead. Y/N swung, holding onto Denji's arm before hitting the back of her head on the concrete wall. She couldn't even do anything.

"Sorry! Are you okay?!" Denji yelled, pulling her up as quickly as he could.

"I'm fine... I think I have a concussion though." Y/N groaned out in slight annoyance and pain, climbing up before sitting down criss cross applesauce on the roof to take a break.

"You hurt my liege!? You will pay for that mortal co-worker!"

"I didn't mean too! And why the hell do you keep calling her "my liege"?!"

"Let's not fight, we'll just try that again." Y/N finally sighed, standing back up and getting right back on the ledge.

Safe to say, after three more tries, she got Denji over there without hitting anymore heads... Of course, they didn't actually jump, they had to go the long way by climbing down the side of the building... And then back up... Then they made it.

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