ゼロ || Prologue

450 16 5

"There was this boy that I used to see almost everyday when I was younger. I walked to school a lot, even on weekends and there was something about him that confused me. After all, it's not like I ever did bother talking to him but for some reason, I still found myself caring about him. I almost gave him a hug one day too..."


"... Well, not really, I didn't even move from my spot but I thought of it. Because, he looked tired. He still smiled back at me but he still looked weary. So it became my lifelong mission to meet him there every single day, in the same spot, to do the exact same thing..."


"... All I ever dare did was smile and wave and sometimes he did the same back. He always stayed consistent in my life, unfortunately everyone changes, just like I did. That's another thing that always stays consistent and then after a while..."


"... Before you saved me, I didn't see him. In fact I never did see him again because I couldn't. You were able to save me but unfortunately you cant control time, and time kept moving along during my trials and near death experiences. If I ever did try to see him again..."


"... I probably would have died. So when I came back to the same spot I used to walk to school later on, I wasn't surprised when I didn't see him. I waited for a few hours, hoping that I'd get to see him one last time and when it started to rain I finally left..."


"... I wonder if he ever did the same thing for me when I was gone, waiting for me so that he could see me again, just in case. Maybe he would smile and wave at me first..."


"... If things were the same and none of the bad things in my life came and occurred, I would still smile and wave at him because at least he would know that there were some good people in this life."


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