Chapter 3: Back To The Blacks

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I sat at a booth and waited for my dinner to arrive. When it did, I dug in. I didn't know I was hungry that much until now. The last meal I ate was breakfast at my aunt's. Just when I finished up, I waited for one of the waiters to hand me the check. While I was waiting, I gazed through the window of the diner sadly.
There's no place but sleep in my car, I suggested, wondering how many times I have to drive around and wasting fuel. I sighed, now feeling how homeless feels; rejected, abandoned, and unwanted.
Hope she's happy now?! I thought, with so much anger and hate. I swear if I could just find her I would make her life a living hell!
I heard a group of teenagers walking into the diner, laughing and talking, but I find it unimportant until....
"Ceicilia!?" a female voice spoke up, surprised.
I turned my head to that voice and only see a group of teenagers in front of me, not knowing who called me. Thinking that it's probably the traitors who I thought that they are my friends, but no. Instead it's a familiar face that I'm trying to remember where I've seen it.
Seeing my confused and curious face, she stepped out of the group and smiled kindly at me.
"It's Eva," she says, reminding me gently.
"Oh, right, hi again," I said.
"You... ok?" she asked, worried as she noticed me sitting alone.
"Uh, yeah. I'm fine," I lied, averting her gaze.
"You don't look fine. Did you find a place to stay at least?"
again I lied, "yeah, I have actually."
I can tell she wasn't fooled because she went and stopped a waiter and started talking and then giving him some money. She then went to her friends who been waiting for her on the other booth, said something, and then came back to me.
"Come on. Get up," she suggested, waiting for me to get up.
"What? I can't leave! I have to pay and-" I was trying to say, flabbergasted.
"Already payed for you. Now come on," she stated, taking my arm and pulling me from my seat. 
I got up and asked, confused and curious, "where are we going?"
"You'll find out in a moment. Do you have your car?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Good. Let's go," dragging me out of the diner.
She let go of me as we headed toward our car. We hopped in, but didn't start the car because I don't know where she wants to go.
"Do you know how to start a car, right?" looked hesitant, unsure.
I gave her a look that said are you serious? kind of look.
"Could you tell me where are we going first?" I asked.
"Home," was her answer.
I stared at her, not sure where she's going with this but started the car and drove toward her house.
My old house, I thought, sadly. I thought for a moment that she wants me to drop her off because she wants to, but I was wrong.
As I parked my car in front of the house, I waited for her to leave. Instead, she suggested this...
"Pop open the trunk."
"You ask so many questions. Just do it," she ordered, sounded impatient.
"ok," I muttered, pressing a button to open the trunk.
Eva got out of the car and went behind the car to open the trunk wide open. I had a suspicious feeling that what's in my head right now will make me feel nauseous. I don't know why but I just do.
In the corner of my eye I saw a sudden movement in one of the curtains from the house. But, I might have imagined it... right? Anyways, just like I dreaded the thought, Eva grabbed my luggage and was about to take it out.
"Wait! What are you doing?" removing my seatbelt immediately and stepping out of the car, disappointed.
Eva already took out my luggage and my duffle bag as I rounded the corner to reach her. Since she's short and can't reach the door, that's above her, she started walking with my things right behind her.
"Hey! I'm talking to you!" I called out, closing my trunk door and locking my car.
She was already on the porch steps when I reached her. I grabbed onto my luggage and stopped her.
"What are you doing? I can't stay here!" I scolded her, feeling somewhat upset.
"You got nowhere else to go!" She exclaimed, pointing that out.
"Y-yes, I do," lying to her, hoping that she'll let go of my luggage.
She snorted and rolled her eyes and smiled. She tugged on my luggage and pulling me with it. Just when she pulled me along with the luggage, she wrapped her arm around me like we are a long time friends.
"Come on. Get yourself comfortable and besides I'm only trying to help you. You seemed upset when I saw you at the diner," she replied, walking toward the door.
She took out her house keys and inserted it to the front door and opened it.
"I'm ok. Honest," I lied again, averting her gaze and thinking of coming here is a mistake as we walked into the house.
"Mom! We have a guest!" she called out, placing my things by the door.
Mrs. Black walked out of the living room and raised her eyebrows with a surprise. A gentle smile appeared on her face.
"Change of mind?" she asked, teasingly.
"N-no. Eva sorta forced me here," stuttering a little, embarrassed.
"That's because you got no where else to go and I helped," she responded, shrugging. "And don't give me that I- already- got- a- place- to- stay lie because seeing you alone at a diner, looking upset, doesn't seem like you got a place," she muttered, crossing her arms over her chest and giving me a look.
I didn't say anything because it was true and I am even more embarrassed  because she said it in front of her mom when she told me to stay. However, Mrs. Black just smiled gently at me and said, "honey, make yourself comfortable as Gloria take your things. You're staying and that is final!"
Gloria appeared from the kitchen. She's about my age, a bit skinny, tanned skinned, brown eyes, dark brown silky hair that's braided to her back, and full lower lips. She just came and took my things and Mrs. Black told her to place it in the guest room in the back of the kitchen.
"Guest room out in the back?" I asked, confused because I don't remember having a room out back as Mrs. Black took me to the living room.
"Uh, yeah. After your family moved out we started right away," she answered.
As I walked into the living room, three people are sitting there. Darren, of course, is one of them who still didn't seem to be happy that I came back. Sitting in the sofa is a guy around my age with curly light brown hair that falls to his forehead, a lean body, sparkling sky blue eyes staring at me, a smile that looked contagious, and all of him screams adorable, like I'm- a- 9- year- old- kid adorable. On the other red, chest field couch is a man that I'm guessing is Mr. Black. Dark, brown and grey hair that's combed back, Sky blue eyes that is focused on the papers, broad muscular shoulders, thin lips, straight nose, and a body that any woman would jump into his pants. Seeing him makes me think he has all authority on everything and it kinda makes me nervous. Handsome, but intimidating.
Wonder where Darren got his looks and behavior, I thought, finding this irritating because the guy didn't look up at me when I came in. That's a bit rude, I commented.
"Ceicilia, this is Steven. Be warned he can be a bit too much," she introduced me to the boy in front me, giving him a wink.
"S'up," he says, smirking flirtatiously.
I smiled back but in a polite way.
"And this is my husband the love of my life, Edger Black," she gestured toward the man who still hasn't picked up his head from the papers.
"Yeah, he's a busy man," she responded, a smile appeared as she watched him work.
It's like she called out to him because he did look up at her and when he did, he finally saw me. He raised his eyebrows in surprise. I smiled appropriately.
"Who's this?" he asked, curious.
"This is Cecilia. Cecilia Parkinson. Her family used to live here but moved out 2 months ago," she addressed, gesturing for me to sit.
I sat on the sofa and ignored Darren's gaze because he's being incredibly rude. I sat across from Steven, who went back to his phone, and Darren is sitting next to his dad. So basically he's close to me and I can feel his burning gaze on my face. Eva came and sat on the arm rest of where Steven is sitting while Mrs. Black sat next to her husband.
"Aw, I see," he responded. "Have you missed the place?"
I was about to respond when, Eva spoke over me.
"She just got back from New York and didn't know that her family moved out until now. "
"Didn't they call you? Like giving you a heads up when you're in New York?"
"No. I..." I trailed off, actually remembering what happened before going to New York and what my father had said to me.
I was trying so hard to not remember the details of that memory but since Mr. Black asked, it was open. The way my father glared at me with such hatred and the way he slapped my passport on the desk of his office and said it with a sneer, here! Take your passport and leave! I dont want to see your face ever again!
It was like a slap in the face and remembering all that made my throat hurt, wanting to cry all over again. I swallowed and trying to push the pain away, but I am too weak that my eyes are burning.
"How about you should rest, dear," Mrs. Black suggested, her voice soft and gentle placing her hand on my shoulder.
I jumped a little as she brought me back to the present, letting the stupid tear escape. I immediately wiped it away and nodded. I didn't look in anyones eyes as I got up and followed Mrs. Black to my room.
We headed toward the kitchen and I've noticed a door across from me that wasn't there before. She opened the door and indicated for me to go in. I got in and was shocked how beautiful it is. Across from me is a glass wall that shows the backyard, on my right is a queen sized bed facing the glass wall, on the other side of the bed is two doors: one for the bathroom and one for the closet, on my far left is another door that might take me to the backyard, and some furnitures here and there. it's nice and that left me speechless.
"This is your new room from now on," Mrs. Black suggested. "If you need anything Gloria is right here. Ok?"
I nodded in return, lost with words.
She left me alone and closed the door behind her, leaving me as I take it in. I went and sat at the bed and looked around me as I sighed, feeling like someone is squeezing my lungs and twisting it and making it hard to breathe. And just like that, the pain came back that I couldn't hold it any longer: I burst into tears and cried quietly so no one will hear me...

Darren P. O. V.

They can all hear her sobbing in the other room. Darren's wolf whined to go to her, but he ignored it. Eva, he can tell wanting to confort her, but he growled at her, telling her to stay put. She frowned at him and gave him with such disgust. His mom sighed, not knowing what to do and not sure if she made a good choice of letting her stay. It was her home, but her family selled it without telling her.
Steven, looking awkward, mumbled saying he's going for a run while his dad took his papers and went straight to his office, closing the door behind him. That left only Darren, Eva, and Abigail in the room.
"You should have left her where she's at?" Darren growled, directing his anger at Eva.
"Oh, so that's how you treat people, our soon to be alpha?" she sarcastically asked, rolling her eyes with disgust.
"She's human!" he stated the obvious.
"So what? What if she is human? We have human friends. They don't know what we are," she exclaimed, annoyed.
"She's in our home. She'll bound to know something about us and maybe she'll go off and tell someone about us."
"And how is she going to find out? We can hear her, but she cant."
Darren got up angerly as he glared at his sister and Eva shrinked in her seat feeling the anger coming off him. Just when he's about to speak, his mom cut him off.
"Darren! Enough!" she exclaimed, disappointed. "She is staying no matter what! Human or not! She is staying!" And just like that she turned and left the room. Eva followed after her.
Darren's hands went into fist with anger as his wolf felt relieved and pleased.
She's our mate. She's ours no matter what, it whispered before going away.

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