"It is a baby!" I tell her, nodding. "It's your little sister, do you want to meet her?"

"Yeah!" she says excitedly, squealing afterward.

Joe sits her down before following her over to the couch, crouching down next to her as she looks at the baby in my arms.

"Hi baby!" she says, waving at her.

"She's sleeping, princess," Joe tells her.

"I have?" she asks, putting her arms out.

"You wanna hold her?" I ask.

"Yeah," she nods.

"Okay, sit next to mama," Joe says, pointing at the couch.

She quickly climbs up, giggling as I lay the baby in her arms, holding onto her still, of course.

Joe and I can't help but smile, Willa giggling as she looks down at her little sister, her feet kicking lightly in excitement.

"Are you happy?" I ask, laughing lightly.

"Yeah!" she exclaims, continuing to giggle.

The baby starts to squirm a little, becoming uncomfortable and probably starting to get hungry since it's been a while since I fed her.

"Okay, mama's gonna take her back now. She's getting a little sad, okay?"

"Tay mama!" she says, smiling and continuing to kick her feet.

"Mama's gonna feed baby, do you want to go play with daddy outside some more?"

"Yeah!" she exclaims.

"Okay, princess, come on," he says, putting his hands out that she immediately jumps into. "Mama, I'm gonna send Jess in to hang out with you in case you need anything."

"Sounds good," I reply, the baby starting to cry now, leading me to position her and begin to help her latch.

That's the one difference I can tell you already. Willa had no problems breastfeeding. She did it like a champ. This baby, however, has given me a little bit of a harder time. She'll still latch, it just takes us a few times first which is a little frustrating when it's the middle of the night and she won't stop screaming. But that's to be expected.

"Hey," Jessica says softly, walking in as I attempt to get her to latch for the second time.

"Hey," I grin through concentration, finally getting her to latch. "Okay," I take a breath, looking over. "Hi. Come, sit, hang out, please."

Jess smiles, walking over and sitting on the opposite side of the couch. "How's she doing?"

"She's having a bit of trouble latching, but good for the most part," I grin, letting out another breath.

"And you?" she asks.

I smile gratefully at her. "I'm okay. I'm exhausted already, but I'm happy and I'm grateful that she's here and healthy."

"That's what matters, honestly," she smiles.

"How was Willa with us gone?" I ask. "Like, really."

"Honestly, she was okay," she nods. "Until she wasn't."

I raise my eyebrows.

"She struggled. Big time. Especially with you not being here too. Like, I think by now she's used to daddy leaving for a couple of days sometimes, but you never have. So I think that just threw her for a loop. Like, she was great the first morning but by the end of the day she was struggling. She was calling for you, crying. The whole nine yards. But, I mean, I expected as much 'cause you've never left her."

Us. | A Joe Jonas FanFiction | Book 3Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat