Gael - You See, The Irony Here is That I Play Myself the Violin

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The world smallest violin is playing for me

Somehow, I became Timothy's best friend. He got identical schedules as me. How? Even the last period, no more theatre so it's just spares, he have that.

And the exact same classes too. He even took Hudson's spot in Math, the audacity.

He can hover around me and yaps all he wants, I don't care. Every 1 minute, I just have to wait for him to pause and say 'that's crazy', 'mhm', or 'no way'.

I've been getting pretty depressing and disturbing thoughts. I mean, I'm used to that, but these are not the normal ones that stops when I do some ritual thing. Nah. They're like parasites that sticks on. They don't sound like me. I don't think they're my thoughts.

"So they won't have football in the middle of winter for me, even though it's still only late November, so it can't be that cold yet," I heard Timothy complained in the rare times when I actually listens.

Dam it's late November already? 2 weeks since the incident. Almost my birthday. I think I might spend this one alone again.

"There's hockey if you want," I told him.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed with a notification. I was hoping for a 'bitch I lived' message from Nolan or Hudson. Nope. Just Aurora sending me stupid Instagram reels. Honestly, who let my 11 years old sister have a phone?

They're basically dead cause of you

A random depressing thought said- Who said that? That wasn't me. Doesn't sound like me.

Am I hearing things because I haven't have a normal 8 hours of sleep for a while?

I'm starting to think that half of the ghosts I see are just hallucination, can't tell them apart.

"Hockey? I can't skate," Timothy complained, again. Because that's all he does, complain.

"Womp womp," I honestly didn't mean to sound so mean, but like, womp womp. Can't he befriend the jocks?

He's basically them why can't he skate.

"You have any plans this weekend?" He asked me. I looked at him as if he was crazy. Sleep. I want to sleep.

I can't sleep right now, but I crave sleep. We always want what we can't have.

"That's crazy that I have plans," I told him.

Really? Turning down the only person who probably wants you?

Yo. Shut up. No one brings me down but myself.

"Really? I was gonna ask if you wanna go to Valuable Village with 30 other people this weekend," He sighed disappointed, "We need another person to perform the thrift ritual."

What the fuck is he doing with 30 other people in a thrift store. That's not a normal hang out place for 30 other people.

"Yeah sorry..." I said, faking a sorry tone.

That one girl I met at my locker ran up to me. Am sorry do I know you? NO. GET AWAY.

"Heeey!" She said, cheerfully.

"Hey you're cute," Timothy told her. I think he's blushing, I can't be sure.

"I'm TIMOTHY!" He announced to her. "Wanna come to Valueable Village on Sunday with 30 other people?"

"Heh... I'll... consider it?" She said nervously, "Oh isn't there a basketball tournament right now?"

"YOU'RE RIGHT!" He screamed and ran toward the gym.

Emery chuckled and sat on his spot at the high table. I looked up from my works. "What do you want?"

She sighed and smiled a bit. Why is she always so bright and happy? Her stupid positive attitude might start to rub on me too. That sparkly bow in her head must be ripped off and thrown into the trash.

Optimism is not something to be at time like this.

Slowly, she pulled out her phone and showed me a picture of a brunette girl doing duck lips. She got thick frame black glasses setting over her brown eyes. I don't think she needs that. And of course, LuluLime clothing.

"My friend thinks you're cute as hell," She said. Easily, you can tell she's trying to keep herself from laughing.

"Is that a horse girl?" Unfortunately, I have no filter today.

"What?" She's full on giggling now.

"She looks like a horse girl. The bad type," I don't understand that sentence but that's what it is.

"Okay... I'll tell her that! You're funny."

"You're welcome."

You're weird actually

This voice.... need to be stopped.


"GET OFF OF ME!" Heather screamed, pushing Nolan off. And he did just log rolled off of her, unconsciously.

I don't see April anywhere.

As soon as she got her chance, Aurora went back to going feral, fighting Heather.

I shook Hudson aggressively, hopefully so he would wake up. "You're not dead right? You're not dead. Yo. Don't die. Please." I was feeling unreal that night, probably due to the lack of blood. Not that I was aware of that then.

"FUCK OFF LITTLE GIRL" Aurora was aggressively biting her, but quickly got pushed off.

The siren are screaming outside, there are chattering outside. The polices are coming.

Because I wasn't thinking straight, I drew the pentagram on the floor with blood to summon a demon to help out. Honestly the only thing that could stop Heather right now is a force of nature or power.

Really, I don't remember what was going through my mind, but the it lighting up and made magical noises was definitely not what I expected.

No really. There was wind and everything. The lights shuts off. The symbol glows and there were suddenly candles surrounding it.

I passed out before seeing the result.

Pretty sure I unlocked new powers there.



i dont remember writing that fucking horse girl


Ghost Friends (First Draft - In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now