The Return

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Will was a man of many things but he wasn't the type of man to stay in one room with someone not right in the head.

It was a well known fact through all the kingdoms that King Verger was the most insane man ever born into this world and it seems Will was getting a first hand look at why.

Will sat at a long dinning table in the kings palace. Hannibal and him had just gotten to the palace not even an hour ago and Will was already wishing to be home. Though, as that hour got longer Will started to sense something unsettling. King Verger sat at the head of the table speaking with Hannibal as he poked his fork into something that looked more human then animal. That's when will started to see it..... this really was human.... how could Hannibal sit there like nothing? Hannibal didn't touch the food but he didn't even say anything about it either! Was this normal!?

" all those men killed so fast, a whole unit is concerning " a small giggle rose through Verger " all our funding put to waste and we still haven't caught the killer. I thought that Mr. Graham would have been able to figure out who it is by now

" your majesty " Hannibal said softly as he grabbed his fork" Mr. Graham has been there for not even a week, I assure you his doing a lot to find this killer" he reached for his dish pulling it close " Mr. Graham has already found out so much. Isn't that right Will? "

Will nods at that " yes, I've found out that this killer was the same killer that killed that woman on the stairs. I think it's a gold who is commeting all these crimes as well. This gold doesn't care if you're red or gold to them you're the same like any other animal." Will saw Hannibal lift his fork and knife slicing the meat " um" Will gulped and shakes his head before looking at the king again " a red wouldn't be able to destory a whole gold army. This leads me to think that the person making these crimes is a gold.... a powerful gold at that with powers probably we've never seen before "

" a gold? Killing their own kind? How fascinating ~" Verger didn't even seem half worried about the fact this killer has killed twice already. The fact his army and his people were being killed by a mad person! " Hannibal " Verger voice dropped a little " when you find this killer....keep them alive " he smiled and watched as Hannibal lifted his fork

" yes, your majesty " Hannibal bowed his head a little before he lifted the fork and ate the meat.

This is what sent shock waves through Will. He felt his stomach drop and he couldn't take this room anymore. He felt sick " if you excuse me " Will said before he shuffled out the room going down the hall trying to calm himself

" what a funny little pet you've got there " Verger said as he lifted his glass " once his done being used to find this killer allow me to take him off your hands

" with all due respect Mason " yes, Hannibal used the kings first name " Will is going to be with me for a very long time. " he got up and cleans his lips with a napkin " he belongs to me and I don't like sharing my things with other people at all " Hannibal slides a paper to Mason slowly " all the drugs you've wanted are in there. I kept up my end of the deal now it's your turn " and with that Hannibal left. He closed the dinning doors behind him before he walked down the hall. He could practically smell the fear and nervousness role off of Will. Hannibal turns a corner and when he spotted Will near a window Hannibal gave a small smile " its rather rude walking out on the leader of our kingdom "

Will turns his head looking to Hannibal as he sighs " sorry, I needed air..... I didn't mean to be rude. It's just...."

" just what? " Hannibal walked towards Will standing behind him as he fixed up his black military uniform.

" ... it's just... how could you sit there and eat that!? That wasn't animal meat! Anyone could have telled and I know so could you! That was...that was human..." Will turns around facing Hannibal " and you ate that! Don't you feel sick!?

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