To Understand A Killer

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The sun was setting as the carriage pulled out of the kingdoms walls. Will sat in the carriage holding onto his papers and suitcase as he looked out the window. The night sky starting to come into the world as the stars above started to show themselves. Night though was seen as something evil from where Will is from. A time where all evil and all types of beast come out and do their deeds

" Will be at the camp in less then 10 minutes! Commander Lector will be there to greet you"

Will heard one of the soldiers say " thank you " he calls back and sighs leaning back as his eyes fall on Jack " I didn't except you to come along

" I'm only coming along to make sure you get to the camp safe. I won't be staying if that's what you're wondering " Jack rolled up his sleeves a little " your emotions are showing to much Will

" what is that supposed to mean Jack? "

" what it means is that if I can see you're nervous and not up to this, then I sure as hell know that a mad killer can sense it a mile away. Keep your eyes wide open Will "

Will couldn't help but roll his eyes as he taps his fingers against the paper " .... Jack, I know how to take care of myself without your help. I've done it for years and I can do it again. My only job is to see what's happening to the golden soldiers that's it."

" I can't worry even a little? You're my best profiler. I also made a promise.... to Alana Bloom.... that I wouldn't let you get close. Don't make me break that promise Will"

Jack was a weird man because in one hand he seemed to care about Will but then on the other hand Will could tell Jack only wanted him because of his mind.... of how 'special' it was. Though, Will didn't see like Jack did. He saw things differently so the fact Jack made a promise to Alana that they both knew would be broken bothered Will. Will knew better then to say that to Jack and the silence that took over the carriage was huge. Till the carriage stopped and Will looked out the window seeing the military camp.

The camp had green tents all around and in the middle was a fire to keep the soldiers warm and to keep the dark spirits and animals away from camp. The smell of roasted chicken filled the air and the small sounds of laughter as well

" I'll try to make sure this promise isn't broken " Will grabbed his things and opened the door stepping out of the carriage " goodbye Jack " and with that Will closed the door and stepped away from the carriage. His eyes wondering around and taking in his surroundings. The buzz of excitement filled the air and also a small dark mood as well. Will was so deep in thought that he didn't hear one of the soldiers come up to him till he was tapped on the shoulder.

" you must be Mr. Will Graham! Yes?  Commander Lector told us you'll be coming. His right in that tent over there " the young soldier pointed to the largest tent in the far end of the camp. A weird place for someone so important to be in. Why was Hannibal basically on the outskirts of the camp? Usually, a commander was in the middle of the camp for safety and also to know what was happening at all times.

" thank you" Will says and slowly started to make his way to the large tent. This was like a huge target on Hannibals back. A large tent was always for the commanders. If the reds launched an attack then Hannibal was as good as dead. Then again.....why should Will care? Hannibal was the man that all reds feared. The fact Will was even this close to the man that had thousands of reds blood on his hands was already far to much.

The smell of medicine hit Wills nose first and as he walked into the tent and saw inside he stopped dead in his tracks. His eyes fall onto a dead body.... if you can even call it that. The body ripped up to the point you couldn't even make out the face. The organs almost all gone except a few

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