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September 7th, 2023
Two Weeks Later

Ayariah Chanel Jackson-Anthony

This past two weeks has been a little easier on me. Semaj been having A'sair Tuesday and Thursday mornings while I'm in class, so I just pick him up after. Im just getting to his condo to pick up my baby now. I haven't been here since Christmas, so everything I left is still here or should be. Who knows what Maj did with my stuff. I also still have the key, but I don't know if he changed the locks.

Pressing the ring camera, I covered it with my hand. "Maj open the door"

Not long after I said that, the door flung open. Maj hair look crazy as fuck right now.

"Tell your hoe to do something with that" I pointed to his head.

"Damn I miss you too" he back up, letting me inside.

"Yaya" Zhai ran into my legs.

I picked him up. "Hi handsome"

"You come back?" He smiled.

I shook my head no and he frowned. I put him down and closed the door behind me. As he sluggishly walked away, I followed behind him to the living room and Maj grabbed my ass.

"Stop" I hit him in the chest.

He grabbed my hand and pinned me against the wall. My mouth falls, as I let out a gasp and let my tongue rest against my bottom lip. He smirked and gripped my waist, gently.

"Maj I-"

Cutting me off, he pressed his lips against mine. Moaning in his mouth, I rested my hands against his chest. He pulled my waist towards him, as he pressed his hardness against me.

I turned my head away from his lips, "I'm not doing this. I already told you what it was"

"You telling me you don't wanna get back with me, but you showing me otherwise" he whispered in my ear.

With each word he spoke, his lips brushed against my ear. My breathing began to pick up. I'm stuck between wanting him to stop and keep going because he was right. Mainly because my body has been craving for something other than fingers and a rose. I have yet to fuck Tre and now it's catching up to me because I can't even push Maj away from me.

"Tell me to stop" he put his hand in my sweats.

As his fingers made he way to my pussy lips, my breath got caught and I couldn't speak. He lifted me head up and slid his fingers deep inside me, driving me wild. Just as I let out a moan, he pressed his lips against mine again. He strokes his fingers through me, slowly and the kiss deepens. I find myself desperate for a breath, but not wanted to break this moment. I slightly lifted my leg as I felt myself giving out, but he pulled his fingers out. He pulled away from the kiss and replaced his lips with his fingers. Looking in his eyes, I willingly sucked my juices off his fingers.

"I'll finish later" he licked his lips and backed away from me.

Letting out a deep breath, I adjusted my shorts and looked at the boys playing on the floor. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want him to finish what he started. But I'm still leaving to go home. It's Thursday and I don't want to be here when the boys get here later, plus I have to get Lyrix from school.


After picking up Lyrix, I finally came home. We all showered and got settled in. Right now I'm cooking and doing homework, while on live. I started going live again last week.

"I just wanna be with a nigga without all the fuck shit" I shrugged and kept reading the comments.

305.zaee wen siah getting out

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