Chapter Ten: Next time, Killian

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Enzo's penthouse was a mess, wolves were laughing, drinking beer, and having fun. Enzo was only calm and not worrying because of Iseul, she kept reassuring him that she'd help him and that everything would be fine.

Iseul, Enzo, Nathan, Hayley, Dominic, Yeongjae, and Killian were all on the fancy leather couch " I'm advising you not to go to New Orleans " Iseul said, taking a sip of her water, she wasn't much of an American beer girl and Yeongjae felt the same, both Korean's were drinking water, craving Soju.

" You don't have bourbon? " Iseul whispered to Enzo, raising an eyebrow, while she was not an American beer girl, she liked other alcoholic beverages, Enzo's eyes lit up and he nodded " Ice? " She nods, Enzo stands and walks away.

Iseul looks at Hayley who sits across from her, next to Nathan " You plan on going to New Orleans? " Hayley rolls her lips and gives a shrug but nods simultaneously, Iseul breaths and nods " And what do you plan to do? You need a plan " She placed her right leg over her knee, her heels brushing against Killian's pant leg, Hayley's cheekbones flush red.

" I don't have a plan but what I do know is that I want to reverse what that king did, " Hayley says, a look of determination in her eyes, Iseul nods, as Enzo comes back passing her, her bourbon, and she smiles at him and nods in thanks before looking back at Hayley. 

"Don't ever call him a King, it'll raise his ego- " She clenched her jaw in annoyance " And will Nathan be going with you? " Nathan nods " My role as a husband is to follow my wife everywhere "

Hayley and Iseul exchange a smirk, and clink their alcoholic beverages together " Hear Hear! " The men shake their heads at them, amused smiles on their faces.

" Reversing the spell will be hard, you'll need to find a witch, a trustworthy witch, and New Orleans is vampire territory which means more people in the Covenant, you'll have to spread the word of Nosferatu, I want Enzo to go with you— " She looked at Enzo, brushing a hair away from her face " If you want to, more adventures and you can break some bones "

Enzo smirked and nodded " I've been craving breaking bones ever since Damon " Iseul's jaw clenched at the mention of his name and Enzo noted " Good then Enzo will go with you, I also was Dominic as well, he's a hybrid, witch, and werewolf, he can reverse what happened to your pack "

Dominic laughed shaking his head " I'm weak when it comes to back, not that good " Iseul glared at him, annoyed at his insecurity " I don't think that, I think you're powerful, and you need to embrace it, do not tell yourself that you're weak because it'll be engraved into your mind, and weak is what you will be. "

Dominic looked away taking a swig of his beer, fingers curling around the bottle tightly " Never underestimate yourself or it will be your downfall " Killian said, putting his arm over Iseul but not touching her, Enzo side-eyed Killian who made eye contact with him, Killian rose a challenging eyebrow.

" I'll find you some grimoires so you can practice more, but for the meantime, you'll head to New Orleans with Hayley, Nathan, and Enzo- " She looks at them all " I'll spell your jewelry so vampires and witches will believe that you four are merely human, when you get to New Orleans, in a few months something will happen, a ritual that sacrifices the lives of young witches, children, barely teenagers, you'll need to stop it, for it to be stopped, you might need to keep an eye on Davina Claire and form an alliance with Marcellus Gerard, the so-called king, do not mention my name, do not even ask who I am, understood? "

Her tone wasn't demanding, It was soft with a hint of sternness, she wasn't ordering them to do anything, she was merely asking and giving advice.

Hayley, Dominic, Enzo, and Nathan all nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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