Esi slowed down the car as they approached.

She came to a stop.

"Good Evening again, Miss Solomon." It was the same voice that had come through the intercom. She was able to quickly observe the gentleman. He wore a thick black coat over pressed grey trousers. There were white gloves adorning his hands which he now had clasped in front of him. Esi would estimate his age, in this dim lighting, to be in his early 60s.

"Good Evening," she murmured.

"Welcome to the Danvers Estate...My name is Theodore Turner,"He started with that deep timbre that she was still trying to pinpoint. "If you could please park your car at the side—he gestured slightly ahead of where she was currently stalling—and I'll direct you inside."

She nodded her head in understanding and said 'thank you'.

Esi drove her car forward and parked adjacent to the circular sidewalk.

She exited her vehicle.

"Is this fine?" She asked Mr. Turner, gesturing towards how she had parked.

"Perfectly acceptable," he responded.

What age were they living in? She mused to herself at his manner of speaking.

She stepped onto the paved sidewalk and made her way towards him. Esi tugged her coat even closer as she was assaulted by the chilly air.

She couldn't wait for spring.

"This way, ma'am," he instructed, pointing towards two large wooden doors.

She followed him. As they approached the doors, she realized that they were rectangular wooden doors built into an arched frame. At the sides of the doors were stained glasses. Before she could figure out what the artistry was, Mr. Turner had already opened the door. He held it open for her to pass through.

"Thank you, Mr. Turner."

His hand faltered on the door for a second, and when she looked up at him, there was a strange look in his  eyes.

She stepped onto the carpeted floor and looked around. There was a semicircular desk that looked eerily like a reception area and a few waiting chairs. Stairs led upwards to another opening.

"Your coat please, ma'am." She was able to see Mr. Turner clearly in the brighter indoor lights. A clean shaven face with a few crow's feet, framed by thinning dark hair. There were tufts above his ears that were peppered with grey.

Mr. Turner's arms were out stretched waiting for Esi to remove her jacket, but she was stalling. For some reason, she began to second guess her choice of outfit. Or rather, Lena's choice. 

From what she'd seen so far, the place was a bit posher than she'd expected.

They had a butler for goodness' sake.

"London!" A voice exclaimed the greeting  from the entrance ahead. Esi saw Luka bundle down the stairs towards where she and Mr. Turner stood.

She observed him wearing a long-sleeved button up shirt and trousers. Esi couldn't recall a time where she'd ever seen him dressed so 'uncasual'. It's a good thing that she'd decided to dress up a bit because he didn't even have the decency to let her know the dress code.
She glanced down at his feet and saw a pair of Converses.

And of course there were the two small hoops adorning his ears.

There's the Luke that she knew. The sight of those shoes relaxed her nerves slightly.

"Good evening, Luke," she smiled at him.

"Good evening," he responded. Then, he turned to Mr. Turner. "I hope she didn't give you too much trouble, Teddy."

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