| Chapter 22 |

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Chapter Twenty-Two

After leaping over several roots, dodging many trees, and almost falling multiple times, I had finally reached the tall manicured, metal fence at the outside of Peter's property. Finally.

But don't get your hopes up, he might even be awake right now.

What if he's already looking for me? I'm so screwed. I should've known he has cameras everywhere.

The forest had taken me a while to run through, a giant shield of trees around his mansion, obviously for protection and privacy. I stared up at the tall black fence and peered through the narrow holes. Manicured spikes rest on the top of each fence stoke. This may keep tall and older people from getting through it but that's not the same case for me. Sometimes being petite isn't all that bad. Especially in situations like these.


The screams of all the happy children engulfed the facility. I looked around the walls of the big  play  structure Sammy led me into an unknown place.

I stopped and stared at all the bright colours around me. "C'mon, Mikky!" Sammy yelled happily over the sound of the screaming kids.

I nodded and quickly ran to him to catch up. A kid bumped right into me and I frowned at him, that was rude. He didn't even apologize, what a jerk. Sammy grabbed my hand and we ran through the big  play  structure. I followed behind Sammy as many kids whizzed past us as we went in our own direction.

We climbed many interesting sets of stairs, encountered many different slides, and lots of other cool things you can find at these kinds of places. Though the place buzzed with kids running around everywhere, Sammy and I enjoyed overcoming the obstacles just as much as the other children did.

Once Sammy and I reached the bottom of the purple slide we just rode down, Sammy stopped and came close to me. "Let's go to the top floor Mikky!" Sammy shouted over all the sounds of the amused children.

I nodded eagerly as we climbed the structure again but this time we went even higher. We ran through the crowded halls once again as we dodged much tougher articles than the ones from different floors. Sammy jumped through a small slit and I stopped. Sammy stopped than turned around, "Coming Mikky?"

"But- but" I stammered, "It's too little for me to go through." I told him, "I'll get squished!" I yelled wearily. Sammy chuckled, "No you won't. It's fine, I promise." Sammy stepped closer to the opening and stuck his hand through. "Come on." I took his hand and apprehensively looked at the narrow hole.

"One, Two, Three." Sammy said and he pulled my hand through. I jumped over the bottom bar as Sammy pulled me through, I landed on my butt. We both started laughing as Sammy crouched down next to me.

"See," He told me. "It wasn't that tricky, wasn't it." I nodded. "Sometimes the toughest looking things aren't that difficult to overcome."

**end of flashback**


My alarm clock awoken me at the time it does everyday. 4:30AM. Why, you may ask. Because I'm always two steps ahead of everyone. The early morning is a great time to do all that can't be seen without, a) losing a lot of sleep, or b) when barely anyone is awake.

I stood up and threw on my normal black jeans and shirt before doing my daily, 'attendance' I could call it. I opened the door and quietly walked down the hall. I descended the stairs silently to check on the guys first.

Hayes' door was barely ajar but not closed shut. He's still asleep, he often doesn't close it.  I moved onto Ruben's room. The door was completely shut. I wiggled the door handle for it to be locked - like normal. I continued going and went to Kalim's room. I silently knocked on the door. I paused and no answer as usual - deep sleeper.

I nodded as I ascended the stairs to go to the final room. I paused at Mikayla's door. It wasn't locked - no lock from the inside, only out - but it was left ajar. I crept into the room and looked over at the bed. Was she there?

I silently crept over to the side of the bed and peered at the covers. I went to the other side and did the same. In confusion, I grabbed the blanket and tore it from the bed. But, Mikayla wasn't there. I went over to her bathroom and knocked on the door, quietly but just loud enough for her to hear.

"Mikayla?" I asked through the door. After several impatient seconds of waiting, I slowly opened the door. I observed the entire bathroom with Mikayla no where to be found. I jogged over towards her closet and quickly checked for her in there but unsurprisingly to no avail.

I jogged down the stairs, not caring about the potential noise I was making and if the boys slept or not during this because if she's not here I'll be absolutely furious. I quickly walked through the living room and kitchen with no sign of Mikayla. I decided to go the basement, to check if maybe she's there and also to check the security cameras.


I easily slid through the black metal bars that encircled the extremely large property and stumbled down into the instant drop of a ditch.

Where even am I?

I looked up at the sky as I got back off the ground and dusted myself off. Dawn, I thought to myself as the sun was looking finally near risen. I better hurry up. Peter is usually up around now or is already up. I climbed up the side of the surprisingly steep ditch and staggered/crawled my tired body up onto the vacant road.

I closed my eyes once I finally stood on the side of the road. I inhaled deeply and opened my eyes while exhaling. I contemplated but then chose a direction and started jogging down the road tiredly.

Maybe I can finally be free now.


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