| Chapter 5 |

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"Ladies and gentleman, please make sure your seat belts are fastened. We will be taking an immediate landing for safety purposes."

I sit in a blue chair on an airplane. Nobody sits right beside me but they sit on the other end.

I look to my left and see people on the aisle on my left. I inspect the people one by one, until one comes to my interest.

My mom.

I look out the window near her and see pure ocean, I look out the window to my far right and see none other than, more ocean. Wait a second, immediate landing? Are they insane? How are we supposed to land on an ocean? Suddenly, the plane plunges downwards, alerting all plane riders. A few ladies scream as well as a few men, as everyone clutches onto their seats for dear life. Literally for their lives. I look at none other than my mother, fear and terror morphing her face.

"Mom!" I try to yell, but no words come out of my mouth. Am I invisible? Only here to watch suffering? Of helpless innocent people? Including my own mother?

At that instant, the plane shudders to a stop, hitting the water hard. My mom gets up and runs to the escape door, along with all the other passengers and they all rush out to the body of water. I follow the rush of people and rush outside to find my mother.

I exit the small door and swim to the top, clothes now soaked with the very cold, yet warm and embracing water. I look around at all the bobbing heads and I find my mothers dirty blonde hair just merely managing to stay afloat.

Her hair bobs under the water once again but this time, it doesn't return to the surface.

"Mom!" I yell, even though I know that no one can hear me. I swim over as fast as I can and quickly taking a sharp breath before plunging into the deep, vast, unknown. I open my eyes in the water, my blurry vision frantically searching for my mother.

Once my eyes complete the first step, I close my eyes a bit as I swim to her location. Her eyes widen at the inability to breathe. I grab her wrist and try to pull her heavy body up to the surface but to no avail. She takes a deep breath through her mouth and her eyes close.

"No mom!" I yell into the water, as the fluid overcomes my body, suffocating me into blackness and unconsciousness.


"Hand over the money right now," A dark voice commands, "Or these guns will be fired."

My vision refocuses and now, I am in a room. I stand on the wall, simply observing the situation. My feet remain planted in the ground and I am completely oblivious to all the men that stand in the room.

I look at the centre of the room, one man obviously not being sided with. The other men surround him, opposed to the leader standing in front of the man.

All of a sudden it hits me, the singled out man is my father.

"Hand over the money or hand over my drugs that you stole." Leader man commands to my father, "Now!" A man stands behind my father and presses the gun barrel to his head.

"No." He denies.

"Now, this could be easy, you give back what has been taken, or I could shoot you instead. Either is fine with me." He threatens.

"I didn't steal it, it was one of my members but not me, so leave me be." He growls.

"If that's the way you must be." The leader man concludes.

The gun clicks and at that instant, the room is filled with a thundering sound of the gun firing. I start to cry as I watch my father's lifeless body fall to a heavy heap on the ground.


"Mikky?" A voice calls to me. My vision refocuses once again and I appear to be in a dark room.

I sit in the middle of the room, the only place where light shines through, forming a small circle of white light in the room, the rest of the room utterly dark.

"Sammy?" I ask into the open. I look to my left first; complete darkness. I look to my right and it remains the same as my left. I stand up and turn around to look behind me.

"Sammy!" I say excitedly. Sammy's face is morphed in sadness, terror, and fear. I stop my approach before noticing the cause of he emotion showing on his face. A knife is held up to his throat.

"Stay back," he tells me calmly, "You'll stay safe." He says as two beefy hands grab my arms, restraining me from my brother.

"But Sammy," I plead, "I love you."

He sniffles before replying. "If it will save you, I'm willing to do so." He says as a tear falls silently from his saddened eyes.

"Any last words?" A voice hisses from behind him.

"I just wanted--" His words become choked up and his eyes widen. A steady drip of blood rolls down his neck as the knife slices his throat.

"Sammy!" I scream as I slowly see the life draining out of his eyes and body.

His eyes close and the figure let's go of the knife as it clatters when it hits the floor. He removes his arm and Sammy crumples to the ground. My heart beats out of my chest and I feel the worst I never thought was possible.

My vision fades out, but all I can still see is Sammy's lifeless body on the ground.


"It was what needed to be done." I hear Peter's choice echo through the room, as I feel pressure lift from my right ankle.

I open my eyes and see Peter undoing my restraints on my ankles. He moves up to my wrists as I see Kalim sit in a chair beside an empty chair against the wall. He sits there patiently, one ankle propped up on his opposite knee.

I sit sideways on the chair, allowance from the restraints that are no longer in use on me.

"It wasn't me!" I yell at Peter, "I was being abducted. It wasn't my fault!" He looks at me amusedly.

"You insensitive monster!" I scream as I get up from the chair and run to the door. Kalim follows me as Peter sits down in the seat beside where Kalim sat. Kalim opens the doors and leads me out of the room where Peter remains.

I follow behind him sluggishly as I try as hard as I possibly can to not cry in front of him. The image of Sammy's lifeless body reappears in my head, making me want to cry more.

We walk through the house, where it seems that no one is around. I trudge up the stairs behind Kalim, who doesn't seem to walk as irregularly quick.

We climb up the second set of stairs to the floor where my bedroom is. He stops abruptly at the top of the stairs, surprising me. I alert myself as he turns around to make eye contact with me.

"I assume you know where your room is." He says, retreating down the stairs leaving me to be alone.

I stand there, still surprised at his sudden directional change. As soon as I hear him descend the second set of stairs, I start to sob quietly. I walk to my room, attempting a normal pace but I can't.

I start sprinting to my room. I open the door, spin and slam it behind me. I put my back against the door and slide down the wall.

I bawl my eyes out as the images of my family's lifeless bodies flash through my mind.

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