| Chapter 4 |

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Chapter Four

"Woah what happened?" Hayes asks as Peter pulls me through the door by my wrist furiously.

"That is irrelevant at this time, I'll tell you later." Peter growls as he continues to stomp through with me in tow. He pulls me to the basement door which is located under the stairs.

How did I get into this mess?

He pulls me down the stairs, my little legs moving so fast I almost trip. how did I get involved with a viscous person such as Peter? I'm fairly innocent don't you think? Well, I am. I don't know much about my family, except my brother was shipped off to military school when he was eight and I was five.

I remember the days.






Ready or not, here I come Sammy!" I crept around our large house. I walked down the hallway to go find the stairs. I look at our family picture on the wall.

My mom holding babe me in her arms, my hazel-grey eyes matching hers. I love my mommy very much.

I look over at my brother standing in between my mama and dada, mainly near dad. His eyes were green with specks of brown in it, making his eyes look like the green grass we like to play tag in. Daddy has the same eyes as Sammy, I think as I keep trotting down the hall.

"Sammy?" I call out. I reach the hall opening to the stairs and start to run as fast as I can up them. I huff and puff at the top from my super long and tiring run up the stairs. I walk past the bathroom door as I hear shouts coming from my mama and dada's room. I tiptoe over there and look through the opening in the door.

I stand there looking through as I see my dads back towards the door where I stand and my mom facing him. I see her face, she's crying and wiping her eyes.

She's really sad, why is she really sad?

"We'd all be better off if I left!" My dad yells at my mom, "We both know what happened yesterday, so all of us would be better off if I left!"

My mom continued to cry and it made me sad to see her sad.

"Okay." She said after crying quietly crying for longer. My moms eyes looked at me which made my dad turn around. He shut the door and I could hear him stomp over to somewhere.

I ran down the hall. Was my daddy leaving us? Why was mommy upset? I should go find my Sammy. I always look for Sammy when I'm sad. He hugs me and makes me feel happy when I feel sad.

"Sammy?" I asked my voice turning to a quiet voice. I started to cry and run down the hall some more.

Sammy's head pops out from his bedroom door, "What's wrong Mikky?" He asks me.

I run over to him and hug him. He hugs me back, picks me up, and carries me onto his bed, me on his lap.

"What happened?" He asks me while playing with my hair as I cry.

"Daddy was yelling at mommy but mommy started crying and daddy said he's leaving!" I say and cry even more.

"Aww hush now," He says to me, "He wouldn't leave."

**end of flashback**

"Sit." He motions to the chair that lies not one floor underground, that I dint see much of, but the second.

I stand in front of a metal, slightly leaned back chair, eyeing it curiously.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way," Peter threatens me. I gulp and walk over to the side of the chair.

"Need help princess?" He asks sarcastically, "Get in the chair." He growls lowly.

I hop into the metal uncomfortable looking chair with no turning back.

"Y-your not going to h-harm me physically, are y-you?" I ask stuttering at nervousness at what may happen. He puts my hands on the arms of the chairs, clicking and locking the hand shackle on my right.

"No," He says, relief flowing over me, "But it's gonna hurt emotionally, worse than getting a few punches to the stomach. Got to make you learn one way or another." He locks the shackle on my left angrily, spitting his last few words.

He walks down to my feet, chest puffed out.

"You see," he says shackling my left foot onto the chair, "I make the rules around here. And if you decide to break them, I will apply consequences." He finishes, clamping the shackle on my right foot.

He walks back over to where I sit at a forty-five degree angle on the cold, hard, metal chair. He crouches down and lowers himself to the same level as my arm.

He lightly pats it gently before he stands up and walks over to a counter, his back to mine, his fingers fixing up something with great precaution.

He turns around and what's in his hand makes me want to- I don't know. It kind of makes me angry. He just thinks he can inject me with whatever liquid to shut me up?

Now that I think of it, technically he can. He did kidnap me after all, I'm surprised my sarcasm hasn't gotten me killed already.

I look at the substance in the needle he holds in his hand elegantly. Its filled with a light blue substance filled up quite generously. He does the anticipated slow walk towards me.

He stands by my arm, liquid in the stabbing weapon. He reaches out to a little plate with wipes and grabs one as he bends down to my height, inspecting my arm.

He switches the needle to his left hand gracefully and wipes my arm with the nappie, probably with a specified cleansing substance.

He kneels down to get the right angle as he fixes the needle in his right hand once again. He looks into my eyes quickly before pointing the needle tip on my skin above the vein.

"You see my love," he says as he sets the needle to be pricking my skin a bit harder, "The only physical pain you'll feel, will be right in the heart." He says as he plunges the needle into my arm.

I feel the liquid rush through my arm to the rest of my body. I try to think about what's happening but before I can think, my body numbs, and I lose consciousness.

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